girls night out (part twenty two)

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A/N: Hi how is everyone?? I wanted to make use of this a/n at the start to remind everyone that I'm proud of them and that I love you all no matter what ur struggling with, big or small, I'm so proud of you. Keep being you and don't let that crown fall xx

Your pov

Time as fiancés was filled with anticipation and excitement leading up to the big day which was rapidly approaching. Charlie and I couldn't attend the last task, we couldnt get enough time off work. Although from the letter that arrived one afternoon, we were glad we didn't go.

"good godric what the hell are we going to do?" I said running a hand through my hair. By we I meant every wizard and witch, especially those in England.

"it'll be okay, it has to be." Charlie tried to comfort me in a quiet tone but it sounded as though he needed to hear that more than I did. "what was it like?" I asked, staring at the ground. Being a muggle born i didn't know about the dark lord and the destruction he caused until i went to hogwarts.

"what do you mean?" He questioned glancing in my direction before looking back down at his hands that were folded on this lap. "last time Vold-" I stopped myself when he flinched slightly at the name, unlike a lot of people in the wizarding world I didn't have a problem with saying his name. Although I tried to remember not to say it in front of the Weasleys, I sometimes forgot. "last time you know who was...well in some sort of power." I continued with a sigh.

He looked up and bit his lip slightly, I could tell he was thinking about how to answer me. "I mean I was eight when it all stopped and mum and dad tried their best to shield us all from it so i don't remember an awful lot but it was scary. at least for a child, sometimes you'd hear about a killing of an innocent witch or wizard or even a group of them and they would've done nothing. they could've been in the wrong place at the wrong time or were thought of as a threat, that or they were-" He stopped himeself from saying the last word and looked back down at his hands.

"what? They were what Charlie?" I pressed on, I already knew what he was going to say but a small part of me hoped I was wrong. He sighed, "its nothing." He tried to dismiss it as he looked away from me, staring out the window. "No, it's not nothing. what were you going to say?" I attempted to get the answer out of him but he still said nothing.

"you were going to say muggleborns. weren't you?" I said so quietly it was almost a whisper, he nodded slowly confirming what I said was true. "Oh my godric." I gasped quietly placing my head in my hands and propping my elbows up on my knees, the word carved into my arm caught my eye as i did so.

Charlie immediatly scooted down the sofa so he was closer to me and started to gently rub my back. i shook my head, "No, we have to do something. I'm not going to live in fear." I said, "and nobody else should have to either." I announced, as a wave of confidence flashed over me, don't get me wrong i was terrfied i mean a boy had already died. But i was determinded to fight for those I care about and everyone else.

"Mum mentioned about the order of the pheonix restarting again but we'll know more about that when we go back for the wedding." Charlie explained, I already knew about the order and what they do or at least what they did last time. "oh yeah, well at least we're going to get ahead of things." I admitted, as he agreed with me.

a few weeks later we flooed to the burrow for the wedding, the rest of the Weasleys including Hermione and Harry were there. As soon as we put our stuff in our room Molly and Arthur pulled the two of us into the kitchen. "first things first everything for the wedding including the dresses and tuxes are in the attic with dirt repealing charms on them so they won't get dusty so Charlie don't you dare go up there, you can't see y/n's dress before the ceramony." Molly warned him making me laugh.

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