something is wrong? (part seventy four)

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A/n: Helloooo
Slight tw: talks of infertility
There's also a lot more authors notes throughout this than I usually do lol
I need someone to name my chapters honestly I can't 😭😭 it took me like 4 months to Name this Eternity

The next morning, I woke up before Emily or Charlie. But I didn’t do anything. I just lay there in Charlie’s embrace with my own arm safely around Emily.

It wasn’t until Charlie woke up did we both get out of bed and begin making breakfast, leaving our bedroom door open so that Emily knew we were up or if she shouted we’d be able to hear her.

“How are you? I know last night was a lot.” He asked while flipping a pancake over.

“I’m okay, just worried about Hermione and the others and everything that's going on.” I replied.

He tried his best to comfort me, I know he did but it didn’t really help that much. There was just too big a storm swirling in my head.

While he continued cooking, we talked about what we were going to do. Not only today but for the foreseeable future. Charlie was going to go to Bella’s and get Kai and Russell while I wrote to St.Mungo’s about fertility tests.

We both decided to wait till we get tested before we try for a baby, to see what our circumstance actually is. Charlie kept assuring me that I was fine and that there would be nothing wrong but I couldn’t help but worry that he may be wrong.

(A/n: okay funny story when I typed ‘charlie kept assuring me’ I spelt assuring wrong and it autocorrected assuring to arousing)

There was a good chance that the curse might have caused some underlying issues.

I was still going to take all the supplements and vitamins recommended such as folic acid but it wouldn’t hurt to wait until we knew our health situation. Although we could definitely still continue to practice.

He set the stack of pancakes to the side for us to eat later on as he slipped on his shoes and popped down the road to get Kai and Russell.

Emily must have been extremely tired because she was still fast asleep when I poked my head around the door when I went to check on her.

Who would have thought explaining what happened at the quidditch world cup in a formal way and why I decided now to get tested would be so lengthy. I was in the middle of explaining my medical history on being on birth control ect after I explained what happened to Charlie when a loud pop made me jump out of my seat and Bill appeared in the doorway.

Not exactly wanting him to see what I was writing about so I dropped the pen on the table and casually covered the piece of paper with my arm.

“Thank you for taking her last night, I know you had a lot going on.”

It was the first thing he said to me when he came in. Obviously talking about Emily.

“Your welcome, she was no bother. Just drank her hot chocolate and went to bed. She is still sleeping now in Charlie and I’s room.” I told him before offering him some coffee or tea.

Once he had a mug in hand with steam oozing from the tip of it he sat down opposite me at the table.

I congratulated him on being married as I didn’t get a chance last night and the conversation slowly turned into what each of the guests did that we found either annoying or amusing.

“Is what Aunt Millicent said why you're writing to St.Mungos?” He nodded towards the pre-filled out envelope with their address on it that I didn’t manage to hide. “I don’t mean to over step but I just want to make sure you're okay. Ginny told me about what they said, and I can’t say I’m surprised. They always talk a load of shit.”

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