🥳❤️10k Reads!!!!! ❤️🥳

587 16 10


Where do I even begin omg.

Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on any chapter on this I always love reading them.

Thank you to everyone who has given me inspiration or an idea or something they want to me to include. (on that note if you have a suggestion let me know I will probably do it)

But MOST importantly thank you to all of you who has taken the time to read my work whether it be one chapter, five chapters or all of them it really means a lot and I'm so thankful.

I can't put it into words how thankful to all of you I am and how much I appreciate all the love you've shown me.

Im so excited to continue writing for you all and for you to read it. I know that I'm not the best writer but I enjoy it and it puts a smile on my face so idc lmao. I started out on wattpad as a reader and I was talking to my friend about Fanfics and the idea I had for this one and she convinced me to write it and put it up for you all to read.

Two little fun facts (I hate that phrase) about Eternity are that all my OC's are based off of people in my life ie their personalities and looks ect, for example, Gracie is based off my friend who convinced me to write this. Grandma Betty is based off my own grandmother lmaooo

And originally, Eternity was only meant to be 5 chapters, the first one I ever thought of the plot to was the chapter titled "Emily" everything else was built around that one and the quidditch world Cup ones.

But anyways thank you so so so freaking much I could literally start crying lol I love you all so much and hope you had a good time reading Eternity so far as I have had writing it 💕💕

Xoxo Amanda

Until next time....

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora