An Addition To The Family (part sixty)

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A/n: This one's a little shorter again and extremely in edited.

How are we on part sixty omgg

Also we are literally less than 0.1k away from 30k which is insane!!


The Burrow was back standing tall in no time, well eight and a half days to be exact but it didn't seem that long all things considered. Ginny, Harry and Ron went back to hogwarts only a few days after tehy were able to go back to the Burrow.

Fleur had came over to the cabin this morning to plan her bachlorette party. "I would like Ginny, Emily, Gabrielle and Hermione to come so I don't really want anything that they wouldn't really be able to do." She explained as I nodded in understanding.

"So like Mia's bachlorette party from Princess Diarys?" I ask just to meet with confusion. I keep forgetting most of the witches and wizards I know didn't grow up watching these iconic movies.

"It's a movie but don't worry I think I know what to do." I explained, ideas of what we could all do running through my head.

Fleur stayed for a while longer as we planned the day, we agreed that it would be easier if we done everything here at the cabin and planned out all the activites we could and if I do say so myself this was going to be an extremely fun day for everyone.

"Then we could set up something out the back garden like that." Fleur suggested as Charlie walked into the room and I immediatly agreed with the idea, writting down everything that came to mind as to what we would need.

"I don't mean to interupt but Bella just sent an owl, the reserve needs us both in a bit earlier today." Charlie said before turning to me.

I loved my job so I didn't mind working more than my set hours, in fact I had been meaning to talk to Bella about adding more on. Usually, unless one of us gets called in, Charlie and I both start and end our shifts at the same time. It was through some program the reserve set up years ago.

Although one thing that had only happened once before was us being called to come in at the same time so there must be a lot of new dragons rescued at once or something like that. I apologised for having to leave Fleur and I's planning but she was incredibly understanding before the three of us left. Her going back to Shell cottage and while me and Charlie made our way to the reserve.

As soon as we got through the gates Bella spotted us and ran over, "do you guys want to be parents?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth. Not a 'hello' or a 'how are you' or not even a 'we need you this way'.

"Yes." Charlie replied with no hesitation whereas I was a little too taken back by her forward question to give an answer. "Great. Follow me." She clapped her hands together and began walking to the area where newly rescued dragons are kept.

My husband looked incredibly pleased with himself as you could tell from the smug grin spread across his face. Bella ended up leading us into a big shed where the head of my department, Maria, and the head of Charlie's department Robert were gathered around a small baby dragon, so tiny you could probably carry it in one arm.

"Ahh there you two are." Maria smiled, acknoweding our presence as she waved us over to come closer. "This little guy was just rescued today, we don't know where his mother is so he'll need to be cared for by one of us."

Robert took over the explaning, even though I'm pretty sure I knew where they were going with this. "Maria had the idea that you two would be the best to take on the challenge, given that y/n works with young dragons and Charlie, you know how to tame ones that are just rescued. We were hoping that you would agree to do it but we would completely understand if you say no, we know that you both are extremely busy these days."

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