The Attack On The Burrow (part fifty nine)

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A/n: again for once I've actually wrote a longer chapter, it's the same length as the previous one :))

Charlie used his own body to protect Emily as he turned his back to the window and moved her in front of him. The window smashed and the glass flew all over the room as I ducked down.

"Merlin's beard, is everyone okay?" Remus questioned as he stood up straight.

They're was a couple of us who muttered a response until a cry was heard from Emily, "no."

"Aw Princess let me see." Charlie's voice was heard, he was completely ignoring the glass that had cut the back of his shirt, some had even sliced his skin. He lifted her arm up slightly to see it better, a couple of shards of glass had sunk their way into her arm. "Daddy it stings." She sobbed, looking up at Bill who had rushed to her side.

For a moment we were all caught up in making sure everyone was okay and trying to calm Emily down, that was until the unmistakable cackle rang through the house as Bellatrix appeared outside.

Harry bolted straight out of the house, despite the attempts of everyone around him to hold him back. With the witch came a circle of fire, trapping the Burrow in the middle of it.

Remus and Tonks tried to run after Harry as he chased after Bellatrix but they couldn't keep the fire apart long enough to get through. Though this created an opening for Ginny, who was now in her pajamas to run through the gap.

"Ginny!" Her parents called after her. I turned my head towards Charlie, sending him an apologetic look, his face fell to make a stern expression and he shook his head. Yet I ignored his gesture anyway and ran outside, jumping over the fire while I had my chance and chasing after Ginny and Harry.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix's voice boomed over the field of tall grass, yet she was nowhere in sight. The only people I could see were Ginny and Harry a little bit ahead of me.

We all caught up with each other when we emerged out of the grass and into a small body of water that only went up to our ankles. "What the hell are you two thinking?" I breathed out.

Neither of them looked at me, they were looking past me with almost scared but still angry expressions. I whipped my head around to be met with the vile gaze of Greyback.

"Stupefy!" Harry fired the spell towards him although he easily blocked it. Smirking sinisterly he was engulfed by his own black cloud and disappeared into the air and travelled through the night sky around us.

I protectively put my arm across Ginny's front, keeping them both behind me as I pointed my wand in front of me, ready for any spells as we slowly turned around in a circle.

Nerves were building up inside of me but I forced myself to push them away, I had to stay focused. "Harry! Y/n! Ginny!" We heard our names being shouted from somewhere around us.

Bellatrix and Greyback took the opportunity of our distraction to send spells flying our way. The three of us fired ones back and blocked theirs, I would like to say with ease but that would be a lie. Thankfully, Arthur, Charlie, Tonks and Remus ran out of the grass and formed a circle around Harry and Ginny.

The heavy fire continued, "what is it going to take for you not to run straight into danger?" Charlie yelled over the noise. He sounded mad.

I blocked another spell, "you really want to have this conversation right now?"

"Well now's not ideal but there's no time like the present."

I rolled my eyes and didn't bother responding, now was really not the time.

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