Going Home(part fifty Three)

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A/n: this one is short as its kind of a filler

It seemed like all Charlie needed was a couple nights of good sleep and within a week he was back to his normal cheeky self. Just in time for the start of the new school year and for us to go back to living in Romania before we go on our trip.

I agreed to drive Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron in a car supplied by the ministry to let Arthur go to work although it did have to have an extension charm cast on it to fit them along with Charlie and Remus inside.

The order didn’t want us to go with just me as protection in case we were ambushed or attacked by death eaters so they asked Charlie and Lupin to come to.

When we did eventually arrive at Kings cross station, we weren’t allowed to hang about on the platform like we usually would, instead we had to quickly say goodbye and get them safely on the train out of people's sight.

“If you need anything, you can owl me at any time.” I said into Hermione’s ear as I hugged her goodbye.

“I will. I’ll see you over Christmas.”  She squeezed me back before letting go and getting on the train. I said goodbye to Ron, Harry and Ginny as well before they followed my sister's lead and stepped into the Hogwarts express.

We were told before dropping them off that we had to stay on the platform and wait for it to leave the station to make sure no death eaters attacked them, or more specifically, attacked Harry.

The good thing was that from where we were standing we could see the compartment they were sitting in and we were therefore able to wave to them as the train slowly pulled out of the station.

On the way back, I was dropping Remus off at his house first before going back to the burrow and he was asking us if we knew what we were doing for the order when we got back.

“Dumbledore hasn’t really told us anything about when we get back. But I presume just little jobs here and there.”Charlie replied as I stopped at a red light. “Do you know what you're doing next?”

We had heard that now the ministry believes us, jobs for people in the order were being reallocated and changed up but Dumbledore hadn’t given me or Charlie our designated job yet.

“Yeah...I’m sure you both know by now that well, I’m a werewolf.” Charlie nodded in response whereas I kept focusing on the road ahead. “Dumbledore wants me to go live with the werewolves and get them to join our side.”

Merlin’s beard.

I felt for him. I really did. That's going to be rough and I was quick to wish him the best and sympathise with him.

“How’s Tonks doing? I haven’t spoken to her in a while?” Remus asked while I turned the corner.

I admired and appreciated the way he cared for Tonks. He was someone she could really do with in her life, especially now. I just wished they would hurry up and get together.

“She’s doing better and is back living in her own house again.” I explained. I got a letter yesterday from her telling me all about how she was doing and about her week.

It was the first one I got like that from her in a long time. She talked about going back to her own house and how she found new ways to cope which I was so glad about. It seemed like that intervention Gracie and I gave her really did help.

“I’m really glad to hear that, I must write to her later on.” Remus muttered the last part to himself. I turned the steering wheel and pulled into his street stopping the car outside his house, dropping him off home.

Although, we did have one more stop before going back to the Burrow.

My Grandma Betty’s house.

I had called my Granda earlier in the week to ask when Liz was coming to their house again and he said today. I asked him not to tell them Charlie and I were going to call in for a bit as a nice surprise, they didn’t think they would see me again before I left to go back to Romania.

But as soon as my Grandma opened the door her face lit up with joy, “Charlie!” She exclaimed, stepping to the side. “What a lovely surprise, please come in.”

So much for her being excited to see me again.

We followed her into the living room and immediately Liz jumped out of her seat to give Charlie a massive hug. I loved the way they adored Charlie so much, my grandma and Liz were very important to me and I valued their opinions. Their relationship was always one of two types, one being a grandson and grandmother. Or two being jokingly flirting with him, which was always incredibly funny to watch.

“We thought we’d stop and see you both for a bit before we go back to Romania tonight.” I explained sitting down next to my grandma, opposite Liz and Charlie.

“Oh yes I forgot that was tonight. I was telling y/n last time she was here, is there really no way you can move back to England? I would love to see that handsome face more often.” Grandma asked, adding a wink at the end while Liz agreed with her.

Charlie let out a chuckle, “I’m afraid not. They need all the help they can get in the reserve. We’re getting more and more animals everyday.”  He explained, their faces fell slightly but I knew that deep down they understood. They just missed us.

For the next two hours Charlie, Liz, my grandma and I just sat and laughed about old memories with each other before sadly we had to go back to the burrow so that we could floo back to romania.

It was hard to say goodbye to my Grandma and Liz, afterall I knew it would be a while until I was able to see them again without raising any suspicion about how I’m able to travel across the continent so easily.

When we did get back to the burrow we stayed for a little before going back home we had a couple of weeks of regular work at the sanctuary before getting on a flight to our first destination in our year late honeymoon.

A/n: so this was just a filler chapter as the next one/few will be you guys' trip around some countries so if there is any last minute countries you would like to go to in Europe let me know (if you haven't already) so I can include it :))

I thought not being in school would mean I'm less busy but nooo I'm actually even less free time than before lol like tomorrow I'm going to the zoo with my brother and his girlfriend and I'm away on holiday/vacation part of next week lol

I also got back from camping yesterday and have gotten sunburnt even though I put tons of suncream on lmaoo

I realised I've wrote chapters at the very beginning of this book in a different POV I've said stuff like "you sat down" instead of "I've sat down" so I need to fix that at some stage lmao

Finally, I have become obsessed with the plot of Remus and the reader take in baby Harry after Lily and James died stories idk why but I love them and Ive literally only found one oneshot of so if you know of any more I'm begging you to tell me lmao

Question of the chapter is, whats one animal you wish you could have as a pet???

Until next time....

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin