Goodbyes And A Plane Ride (part fifty four)

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A/n: so for this chapter and the following 2 a huge thank you is in order to weasleysdumbhoe as they gave me the website where I got most of the ideas for countries to go to and what to do so credit to them and thank you so so much :))


"Merlin Charlie, do you not think you've packed enough clothes already." I laughed as I watched him squeeze another couple of shirts into his overflowing suitcase.
Tomorrow was the beginning of our trip, so we decided to kick it off the muggle way and get on a plane to our first destination. Although for the other countries we were planning on using the floo network or apparating.

"You never know, I might need them." He pointed out, struggling to zip up the suitcase. I climbed across the bed and hoisted myself up to sit on it, he gave me a thankful smile as he zipped it closed.

I went back round to my own suitcase, "are you planning on staining every shirt you wear?" I questioned, hiding my smile.

"No, I just have a feeling a certain person will steal all my other ones like she usually does." He stated, raising his eyebrows and looking me up and down.

So I may have an addiction to stealing his clothes. In my defence they are all very comfy, but one thing I would never do is admit both of those things to Charlie.

I scoffed, rolled my eyes and picked up the closest thing my hand could get to and threw it at him. Just my luck it had to be a pair of red lacey panties.

He pulled them off his head and made his way over to me while I pretended not to notice what I had done. "Bringing these are we?" He teased with a smirk, tossing them back into my suitcase.

"That was for me to know and you to never find out." I retaliated, teasing him back as he took small steps towards me.

"You're right, we don't keep them on long enough for me to really know what they're like, do we?"

Before I could even react to his comment his lips hungrily attached themselves to mine, forcing me to fall backwards onto our bed.

He left a trail of kisses down the side of my neck as I moaned under his touch, my fingers playing with the hairs at the back of his head. His hands began to travel under my shirt sending electricity through my veins, I was about to lift it over my head when a loud bang cursed through the house followed by a voice, "Auntie y/n, Uncle Charlie!"

I jumped up off the bed knocking Charlie off with me except he landed on the floor. "Shit are you okay?" I whispered to him, holding out a hand for him to take.

Our bedroom door burst open and Emily ran in towards us, wrapping her small arms around my middle and Charlie's neck as he was still sitting on the floor.

"Princess, what are you doing here? Where's your dad?" Charlie asked our niece when she let us go and rose to his feet.

"He's back at home." She replied, brushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes. Charlie met my face with a confused expression.

Bill doesn't let Emily use the floo network on her own yet for obvious reasons and even if it was the first time he did let her, then he would have followed her or at least told us to expect her.

Thank godric she shouted thought, or else she would have found us in a very compromising position.

"Princess you know you're not supposed to floo on your own yet. Come on, we'll take you home so your dad doesn't worry and you can tell us what's up there." I said, ruffling her hair a bit as Charlie picked her up in his arms.

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