Wedding Planning (part Nineteen)

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I apologise this chapter isn't the best and it's quite short it's more of a filler chapter with details I needed to add somehow.

Your POV

With the first task of the triwizard tournament coming up, work was hectic when I was able to come back, although there was still plenty of time for me and Charlie to plan our wedding.

Everyone always says that planning a wedding is stressful but I actually found it quite fun, Charlie and I agreed on almost everything and more or less wanted the same thing.

"so I think we need to set a date." Charlie concluded one night as I was flicking through magazines of dresses while sitting on the floor of the living room, "yeah" I laughed, "well I think maybe next year, although I don't mind what month." I told him honestly.

"I agree with you, it'll give us more time to plan and get everything sorted. How about in July, we could have it outside?" Charlie suggested, picking up a magazine himself.

"yes I love that idea, maybe the 6th it's a Saturday, so people can get off work easier." I said as I began to picture a summer wedding.

"the 6th of July it is!" Charlie confirmed with a massive grin, "I was hoping you'd be open to the idea of having it at the burrow." he added cautiously waiting for my answer.

I always knew the burrow was a special place to him, it was his childhood home after all, it was only natural he wanted to have one of the most important days of his life there. I also knew how much it would mean to Molly if her son got married at their home.

"Charlie..." I began, "I would love for us to get married at the burrow, of course I'm open to it." I told him and his smile grew, "but everyone on my side of the family except my parents don't know about magic. I don't want to cause any extra stress by making your family worry about hiding the magic inside and around the house." I explained to my fiancé.

His face fell slightly as he realised I was right,"love, you wouldn't be causing any unnecessary stress, we would just have to change the wards up a bit and everything would be fine." he reassured me, hoping it would put my mind at ease and convince me.

"okay as long as you're sure it isn't too much trouble then of course we can do it there." I said with a smile as he pulled me into a tight hug, I knew how much this meant to him and how much it would mean to Molly.

"have you decided on how your bridesmaids will be?" he question me, taking my hand and subconsciously running a finger over my ring, "well I obviously would love if Ginny was one and Hermione." I began, I wanted Ginny because she's like a sister to me and I've grown quite close with Hermione despite our age difference, me and the younger girl are quite similar in ways.

"but I can't decide between Gracie and Tonks as to who will be my maid of honour though." I added with a hit of sadness and a small sigh, "they're both just as equally important to me." I tried to explain my predicament.

"why don't you just have them both as your maid of honours, that way you don't have to pick and no ones left out." Charlie suggested with a shrug before bringing my left hand up to kiss my ring.

"you, Charlie Weasley, are a genius." I complimented him with a small laugh, cupping his jaw with both my hands before kissing him gently on the lips. "what about you, have you chosen a best man?" I asked him as we regained some space between us.

"I was thinking Bill, then my other brothers and Adam for my groomsmen. Or do you think that's too many?" he replied. While planning our special day it became obvious from the start that Charlie knew what he wanted but at the same time he always wanted to make me happy. He was willing to give up almost everything he visioned if I had so much as the littlest doubt, but I didn't let him.

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