Safe they say(part seventy three)

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A/n: heyyyy everyone I'm feeling a lot better this week thank you sm for all your lovely comments before.

I've done things this way in this chapter for a reason you just have to trust me lol


Gasps were heard across the room and Bill rushed over to me, Emily and Charlie just as death eaters apparated themselves into the tent, firing spells in every direction. “I’ll take her somewhere safe.” I told the two eldest Weasley brothers.

To which they both agreed almost in sync.

The conversation I had with Charlie beforehand had completely left my mind, the only thing I cared about now was making sure that the little girl in my arms was safe.

I knew Hermione, Ron and Harry were trying to get to each other to apparate out so when he overheard the conversation, Ron grabbed a hold of my hand before reaching his friends. The five of us disappeared, thankfully unharmed with a pop.

I was yanked with such a force off the road just in the nick of time or else me and my niece would have been ran over by a double decker bus.

Once we were all safely on the footpath I turned to Hermione and asked, "where are we?"

"Shaftesbury Avenue." She replied. "I used to go to the theater here with mum and dad."

I gave her a sympathetic look as I set Emily on the ground and took her by the hand.

We all just started walking not really knowing where to go. Until we approached an empty yet still open café which we decided to go into.

We sat down in a booth in the middle of the room. I let Emily sit in between me and Harry, the poor girl was shivering and if I had a jacket I would have given it to her but I didn't.

Summer nights in the UK are still cold, at least in the tent there was some heat spells casted.

The waitress came over to take our orders, looking at me first I started us off. "I'll have a green tea please and she'll have a hot chocolate please." I told her what I'd like and what Emily would have. It would probably warm her up too.

The waitress then turned to Hermione."A Cappuccino please." Ron and Harry ended up getting the same thing as Hermione probably because they didn't know what else to get at the moment.

"So where do we go from here? The leaky cauldron?" Ron questioned. But Hermione shook her head.

"It's too dangerous." She spoke.

"If Voldemorts took over the ministry then none of the old places are safe." Harry agreed and added to Hermione's point.

The bell of the café door rang and two men in blue jumpsuits came in making their way to the counter.

"Auntie y/n I want to go home to daddy. It's really cold here." Emily complained, rubbing her hands up and down her arms to try and get rid of the goosebumps.

"I know." I sympathised with her before turning back to the others. "I know you aren't planning on coming home, but I can't go home with her until enough time has passed or that I know it's safe. We need to get somewhere where we're not just sitting ducks." I barely got my last word out before Harry yelled for us to get down.

The workmen drew out their wands to reveal themselves as death eaters. I ducked down under the table, forcing Emily with me.

When I saw the opportunities I jumped up and shot a spell before ducking down again. It went like this for a couple of seconds before we had successfully knocked out both men.

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