A Christmas Surprise (part Seven)

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A/n: Part of the story!!

okay so this is a bit strange I admit but I hope you like where in going with it.

So I know Ron stays at Hogwarts in first year for Christmas but for the sake of the story we are just going to pretend that him and Harry come to the burrow with the twins and Percy.


Me and Charlie were sitting in the living room of the burrow, Ginny sitting between us as we told her all about Romania, Bill was joining us on Christmas eve. Molly and Arthur went to collect their other sons from the train, apparently they were also bringing along a boy called Harry Potter.

The front door opened and a crowd of redheads swarmed into he living room. "y/n! Charlie! What are you guys doing here?" Ron asked, "wow Ron thought you'd be more excited to see us" Charlie answered his brother laughing.

"we're staying for Christmas." I explained standing up and hugging each of the Weasleys in turn, I was about to hug a small boy but I stopped myself realising I didn't recognise him.

Ron came to the rescue, "This is Harry Potter, and Harry this is y/n y/l/n she's like another sister and Charlie's girlfriend." he explained, "it's really nice to meet you" I said smiling at the raven haired boy. "it's nice to meet you to" he said shaking my hand, a hug might've been a bit too forward.

It was so lovely spending some time at the Burrow it reminded of the time I stayed in fith year. Over the days leading up to Christmas everyone did things like ice skate, snow ball fights, sledging and that's only in the snow. I did some last minute Christmas shopping and I met up with my parents and family a few times.

It was now Christmas eve and once again we were all in the living room when there was a knock on the front door, Molly opened it and I heard a familiar voice. Bill.

He gave his mum a hug and appeared in the living room and greeted his family, plus was introduced to Harry. "hey Bill its been forever." I said as I pulled him done into a hug, "I heard your a godfather." I continued breaking the embrace.

"yeah, Emily is so sweet." he laughed running his hand through his hair, I sat back down on the sofa beside Charlie as he wrapped his arm around me, Bill took a seat on my other side.

"so can I expect to be an uncle any time soon? " he said unexpectedly eyeing up me and Charlie, "what?" Charlie asked turning his attention to his older brother.

"oh come on you live alone together on the other side of the continent. There's no way all you do is look after dragons." he smirked. I went bright red and buried my face in my hands.

"Bill!" Molly exclaimed, "don't be asking them that in front of everyone!  They probably want to tell people in a special way." she winked patting her eldest sons shoulder and sitting on the arm of the chair.

"mum!" charlie groaned, "sorry Bill and Molly I hate to burst your bubble but I'm not pregnant. I think Ash and Charlie is enough for me." I said slightly laughing, trying to change the subject as Charlie shook his head at my comment.

"how is Ash by the way?" Bill questioned, thankfully changing the subject. "she's doing really well, she let's other staff touch her if I'm there now and we mated her with a male Fireblossem so hopefully she'll lay her eggs soon. But she's really come a long way in the past few months." I replied, honestly Ash was like my child and best friend I loved her.

After an amazing dinner made by Molly I was in the kitchen helping her make a Christmas cake, "how are your parents I was talking with them the other day, when they were telling me they couldn't make it tomorrow." Molly sat mixing batter in a bowl, it was tradition to make the Christmas cake without magic.

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя