Emily (part Eighteen)

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A/n: so this is just like a chapter of moments of the week with Emily so it's sort of a filler chapter but fingers crossed you guys will like it lmao


your Pov

By the time friday rolled around I felt much better, the effects of the curse had almost completely wore off and on the thursday night I spoke to Charlie about the word carved permantly into my arm which occasionally still stung if pressure was applied onto it. It definitely helped me process what happened after talking about it.

it was now friday afternoon, the day before charlie and I had decorated one of the spare bedrooms magically with the colour theme of pink, puple and blue for Emily to sleep in while she's here. I was standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea while chatting with Tonks and Gracie while Charlie and Adam was doing who knows what out the back.

"how are you feeling?" Gracie asked with a small smile, "Much better actually, thanks for asking." I replied honestly, knowing what she was refering to.

"thats good, I'm glad. Merlin help if i ever get my hands on who done that to you." Tonks shook her head as she took a sip of her tea, i smiled at her protectiveness.

All of a sudden Adam and Charlie burst through the back doors in fits of laughter.

"what are you two laughing at?" i asked as Charlie joined my side snaking an arm around my waist in the process. "oh nothing." Adam replied dissmissing me with a wave of his hand.

"okay I need a girls night out after that horrific date last night." declared Tonks shuddering at the memory. Tonks being the only single person out of the three of us has made it her mission recently, to find a suitable person to date so she could join the double dates me, gracie, adam and charlie go on without being a fith wheel.

"when are you all free?" She continued, setting her now empty mug on the counter, "well unfortunatly i can't this week we are looking after Emily while Bill's in Egypt. How about next saturday night?" I suggested.

"yes I'm free then. what about you Gracie?" Tonks replied turning to our other friend, "yeah i think so." Gracie answered.

"great, i cant wait." Tonks squealed, "although I do have to go, I've a mission tomorrow morning." She added pulling me in for a hug.

"I see you later and be carefull." i ordered her as she walked over to the fireplace. "i always am." She said before flooing away. "we better go to if we want to make in time for dinner with your parents." Gracie said turning to Adam. we bid our goodbyes before they followed Tonks' led and flooed out of our cabin.

Charlie and I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up and relaxing awaitng Bill and Emily. At about 4:30pm there was a bang and Bill holding a bag and Emily in his arms, emerged from the fireplace making me jump.

"sorry y/n/n" Bill apologised when he saw my startled stance and set Emily on the ground. I chuckled slightly letting him know it was alright.

"Auntie y/n!" Emily squealed and ran to hug my legs. "hello princess." i smiled down at her.

"did i hear my favourite niece was here." I heard charlie say as he came into the living room and she left my legs and ran to her uncle, he picked her up and span her around making her giggle.

"do you want to see where you're going to sleep?" He asked her. She nodded violently as he carried her into the spareroom which we decorated for her. Me and Bill close behind.

"i love it!" She shouted wriggling out of charlies arms her feet hitting the floor as she ran and jumped, landing on the bed. Me, Bill and Charlie laughed at her excitment. "here, I'll take that." I said holding my hand out to take Emily's bag, Bill handed it to me and i set it at the foot of her bed.

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن