Clearing things up (Part Thirty Five)

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A/n: so a little warning and 2 things, 1) thank you so much to those of you who have read the first two stories of my one shot book. 2) there's a little time skip of a couple of weeks so like a bit before Halloween.

Finally near the end, it gets a little heated it's not full on (yet 😏😳) but if you don't like that stuff at all just skip it I'll put - - - just before it. It's just like a little experiment to see how I feel after posting it and that kind of stuff.


"so let me get this right, Hermione's your half sister, David's your biological dad and he wants to be a part of your life?" Gracie questioned in disbelief, Charlie and I were on one of our double dates with Gracie and Adam, I had just filled them in on my whole family situation.

I had sent them letters before explaining everything but it was easier to disclose the information in detail in person.

Nodding my head I said "yeah pretty much." confirming her thoughts.

"That's..." Adam began but stopped as he couldn't find a suitable word to desribe it.

"Crazy," I subsituted for him, as the couple looked at me, trying to wrap their heads around what I told them. "why didn't they tell you sooner?" Gracie asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm still trying to understand that myself. I Think mainly because there wasn't a good time and he didn't want to be a part of my life when I was born." I answered, "but enough about me what have you two been up to?"

"Nothing much just the usuall really but your coming back to england for halloween right?" Adam wondered glancing between me and Charlie. "Yeah we are." Charlie replied.

"good because Gracie and I were planning on throwing a halloween party with a few people from Hogwarts. We were hoping you'd be able to come." Adam continued, halloween was one of the best holidays and picking a costume was always a highlight.

"heck yes we'll be there." Charlie resounded, he enjoyed halloween just as much as I did.

(A/N: here's the real question though, whats our costume going to be?)

We got back to the cabin a few hours later, I flopped onto the sofa, kicking off my shoes out of exhuastion. I didn't actually realise how tired I was.

I could hear Charlie laughing from the other side of the the room, "There's a letter here for you." he stated before I could say anything in protest of his laughs. He walked over, handing me the letter before taking a seat beside me.

I opened the envelope and read what was inside.

Dear y/n

I hope this finds you well. I apologise for the late notice but I was wondering if you were free tomorrow to meet me and Lewis for some coffee at three in the cafe near your parents house. As I've said before I want to get to know you and I wanted to have a discussion with you and your dad. I understand if you are unable to join but I hope we can meet up soon.

Yours, David

I groaned and forcefully leaned back into the sofa, "I'm too tired to deal with this now." I complained.

"what's wrong?" Charlie asked propping his elbow on the back of the sofa, I handed him the letter so he could read it himself.

I moved my body so I was lying on my side, my head rested on his lap. The hand that wasn't holding the parchment went straight to my hair as he twirled strands of it around his finger.

I started thinking about the whole situation, I realised how awkward my dad must feel in the midst of it all. It would probably be a good idea to go but I couldn't help but wonder if it was going to be awkward.

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