Never Again (Part Sixty Four)

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I tried everything to be able to breath. Gasping for air I really tried but nothing was working.

And why would it? He's gone there's nothing that could fix this or make it better.

"No. No. No please no." I choked out.

"Y/n. Y/n." Arthur repeated my name after a couple of moments of just letting me sob on his shoulder, "it's okay."

"What do you mean it's okay? It's obviously not okay." I scoffed, trying to do the impossible and regain a little control over my breathing.

"He's not dead y/n. He's alive. Come on, they're moving him to the hospital wing." He spoke, helping me to my feet.

I couldn't believe it but at the same time I've never felt more relief in my life.

With my father in laws words I felt my throat loosening, allowing me to breathe a little bit.

Arthur and Tonks both wrapped their arms around my shoulders, walking with me behind Charlie's floating body with Madame Pomfrey leading us.

"He'll be okay." Tonks whispered to me, handing me a tissue as we walked through the doors of the infirmary.

"I'm good looking enough for the both of us." I heard Fleur's voice ring through the room before a gasp from Molly. "Oh my Charlie!"

Somebody scuffled up the bed, their fiery red hair catching my eye. "What the heck happened to you?" I questioned Bill, damping the tissue over my eyes.

"Greyback didn't like me very much, but what happened to Charlie?"

Ignoring his questions I kept the topic on him. I couldn't explain what happened, not right now at least. I need to speak to Charlie first. "Are you okay? Are you..." I trailed off not knowing how to put it.

He shrugged, "we don't know yet. I haven't had a chance to speak to Dumbledore."

With the old man's name I visibly tensed up but Fred and George were quick to explain to Bill and let me be by Charlie's side as Madame Pomfrey muttered some healing spells. Luckily we had gotten word that the battle was over and so far we were hearing of no other deaths on our side which I was very grateful for.

A gasp coming from the bed snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced down to see Charlie staring up at me, his big brown eyes laced with confusion.

I practically lept from the chair, throwing myself into his arms as tears began to silently fall down my face.

"Don't you ever dare try to save my life again. Do you hear me Charles Weasley? Never again." My voice was muffled against his neck.

He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. Turning his head to the side to place a kiss on my cheek, "you know I can't promise you something like that."

I wanted to argue with him, tell him he better because I wouldn't be able to cope if something happened to him. But now wasn't the time and more than anything I was just happy he was breathing.

It wasn't until Professor McGonagall came in with Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and to my surprise Gracie who was now well into her second trimester. Adam had told us earlier that he had forced her to stay at home, not wanting to put their baby at risk.

"I came as soon as I heard." She said, slightly out of breath as she bent over as much as she could to give me then Charlie a hug before moving onto Bill.

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