Cuts And Words (part eleven)

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A/n: sorry I can't name chapters lol, and this one is close to 5000 words so it is quite long I didn't originally intend it to be tho so sorry. Also I haven't read over it yet I just wanted to post it asap so I could move on to the next era kind of.

Okay see for your nick name it didn't cross my mind that some peoples nickname doesnt include their name for example my names Amanda and my nickname is Mads but for others their nickname could not be taken from their actual name.


Your POV

All of Ash's new born dragons were fit and healthy, although Jasper was significantly smaller than his brothers and sisters but luckily Ash didn't care and tended to him like her other children.

It was now a Friday afternoon at the end of August, I had the day off whereas Charlie was called in to help with a recently rescued catalonian fireball. We both had Saturday and Sunday off as we were going to the burrow for a party on Saturday evening to celebrate the fact all the Weasley children have been or attending hogwarts, kind of like a farewell party. We were then, once again, staying over that night.

I was in the kitchen drying the last plate that I had previously washed, sometimes I prefer not to use magic, when the front door burst open. I closed the cupboard, knowing it was Charlie, "so for dinner I was thinking" I cut myself off when I turned around, my eyes growing wide. "Charlie what the hell happened!" I gasped approaching him.

He was leaning against the wall with his right hand, keeping him steady. All down his left arm and torso was covered in blood, his shirt was partly ripped and he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"Lets just say he wasn't a very friendly dragon." He joked but immediately hissed in pain at the small movement. I rushed to his right side, putting his non-injured arm over my shoulder. "Merlin even in this state you're making jokes." I said in disbelief, gently shaking my head.

I led him to the bathroom as quickly as I could without hurting him and ordered him to sit on the counter beside the sink. He did so while I got the medical supplies out of the cabinet, "sorry but we're going to have to cut your shirt." I explained taking out the fabric scissors and cutting it so he could slip his arm out before he could say anything in a protest.

I inhaled sharply at the sight before my eyes, he had cuts plotted all over his left arm and the left side of his back and chest, burn marks accompanied the slices.

I didnt say anything, Ive tended to his injuries before and he knew the drill, I got a cloth and soaked it in the alcohol solution, "this is going to sting." I warned him before gently dabbing the cloth on a cut. He winced in pain and flinched, cursing under his breath.

"sorry" I apologised, taking a step back, "its alright. You're just trying to help." he sighed trying to hide how much pain he was really in. "we don't have any pain potions left but I'll get some. In the meantime take my hand." I offered taking his right hand in mine.

I raised the cloth to the gash, hovering above it. "ready?" I asked looking up at him as he nodded in response. I gently dabbed the cut, like before. He exhaled harshly through gritted teeth and squeezed my hand.

I didn't stop, knowing if I did it would only drag out the time he was in that amount of pain for. I cleaned up the blood and disinfected to cuts as best I could, only towards the end did his grip on my hand ease.

"take a cold shower it'll help with the burns and wash the blood I couldn't get off, off. I'll quickly go to the shop and get some more potions for the pain and then once you're done I can help put on the plasters" I explained (a/n: by plasters I mean the big square white ones thats edges stick to your skin.)

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