Stars And Slides (Part Sixty Two)

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A/n: you all are literally the best people on this earth ✋I can't thank you enough for your patience with me, I'm so so sorry I didn't update yesterday I did put something up on my announcements thingy on my page, Im going through some pretty heavy stuff atm but I'm okay I promise, yesterday was just a hard day. But I'm here now and here's the chapter to make up for the time it's over 3k words :))

Kai had been with us for over two months so when the unavoidable day arrived that he wasn't going to be living with Charlie and I anymore, it was hard to let him go.

I tried to look on the bright side of it, despite not being able to live with the little dragon I grew to adore, I would still get to see him every day I come into work.

Saying goodbye was hard enough but coming home to an empty house was even harder. His bed and toys gone with him, it was like he was never even here to begin with.

"Come on love, you'll see him soon. You've got a lot to do tomorrow you should get some rest." Charlie said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder after catching me staring longingly at the place Kai's bed used to stay during the day.

It was kept in the living room during the day time, then when Charlie and I went to bed we would move it into our bedroom. That's not to say he would sleep there, more times than not the little creature would find a comfortable spot near the bottom of our bed to sleep.

Usually in between our legs or if there was not a big enough space he'd lie on Charlie's side.

Charlie was right in referring to having a lot to do tomorrow, it was the day of Fleurs bachelorette party. Bill was also having his tomorrow but there wasn't a lot of setting up to be done, that was the difference between the two.

They decided to do it now as everyone was back from Hogwarts for Easter that way Ginny and Hermione could come to Fleur's and Ron and Harry could go to Bill's.

The next morning was like the calm before the storm. Waking up tangled in Charlie's body was always pure bliss, it was nice to stay like this in peace before I had to get up to set up the child friendly party for Fleur.

It took me all morning and a little bit after lunch time, there were stations of activities and equipment dotted all over the cabin. Ranging from a mocktail bar to snow globe making.

Charlie left for Shell cottage in the late afternoon and no less than ten minutes later, Fleur along with Emily, Ginny and Gabrielle flooed in. Not long after them, Tonks along with Hermione and Gracie.

Everyone was already in an assortment of comfy clothes, pyjamas or a onesie. I was wearing a dragon onesie that I got as a Christmas present the previous year from Charlie.

We wasted no time getting into the activities, the first thing we did was make some jewelry. I was sitting on the floor in the living room, my back against the sofa as I threaded some beads onto the wire.

"So Tonks, I heard a little something about you being on a date with a certain Remus Lupin." Fleur spoke, wriggling her eyebrows from the armchair.

I think her phrase gave both me and Gracie whiplash as both our necks snapped around to look at Tonks who was blushing a deep scarlet red.

"Why the hell are we only hearing about this now?" Gracie exclaimed, who now had a very small bump. If you didn't know she was pregnant you probably wouldn't have noticed it considering she was only about 13 weeks now.

Tonks brushed a strand of her now magenta hair out of her eyes. "I was going to tell you but it doesn't really matter anyways. We went on a few dates but he doesn't want to officially be in a relationship, he said that being with a werewolf is difficult and that I deserve better than that but I don't care about it. I don't care about our relationship being difficult because of a problem out of his control because I love him."

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