The wedding of the year (part seventy two)

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A/n: so bit of bad news, I was in the hospital (again 😭) for a few days and they still don't have a clue what's wrong with me but today was my first day back at classes in like 10 days and my Spanish teacher came up to me at the end of class and was expressing her concern for my health and also because she noticed that I had lost a lot of weight recently which is getting a bit concerning, so that's why this chapter is a bit rushed and not up to a standard I would have liked lmao because it is mostly written in the hospital

Warning for swearing as well in this


Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.

That's all anyone did in the few days that led up to the wedding. It consisted of a range of things from cleaning the windows to painting our nails.

Although Molly had done something the night before the wedding that made my heart sink.

I ran into Charlie in the hallway and what was left of his hair stood out like a sore thumb. Molly had cut his long locks off and made it brutally short.

"Why did you let her do it?" I expressed, longing for his hair to grow long again in the space of two minutes.

"She cornered me, I had no choice." He explained.

I loved his long hair. I loved it so much it physically pained me to see it go. “Well don’t let her do it again. Let it grow longer.”

He laughed at my disapproval of his new haircut. Yet it surprised me that he wasn’t too upset about cutting half his hair away.
The rest of the night was jam packed with finishing touches. I spent it in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the cupcakes I agreed to make for the wedding while helping Hermione and Ginny make the birthday cake for Harry.

Let’s just say we were all glad to get to bed after the day we had.

“Hey can you do the back of my dress up?” Fluer asked me, holding her hair out of the way as I did as she asked.

“You look beautiful, Bill is going to be speechless.” I told her.

She really did look absolutely stunning. Fleur had opted for a less traditional dress, much to Molly’s and Apolline’s disappointment, it had two beautiful black phoenixes embroidered on it, that wrapped their way up the bodice. The rest of the dress was white with ruffles below the creatures and a sleeveless finish.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

The black headpiece she wore on the side of her head just completed the look.

“Auntie y/n,” Emily tapped on my side. “Where’s the surprise?”

“I’ll get it now.” I whispered to her.

Moving over to my bedside table I lifted the small box out of the drawer inside was a present that Emily picked out in the same shop in Romania that Bill and Charlie got fleur and I’s rings.

She was out with Charlie and I one day and we both thought it would be a perfect gift for Fleur from Emily. Kind of like a symbol of love and acceptance.

I passed my niece the navy box so that she could give it to Fleur. The bride slowly lifted off the lid to reveal an orchid necklace.

“Oh it’s beautiful, thank you so much.” She gasped, holding it up against the light. It was a white orchid with a light blue gem in the centre and the same shade of blue as the gem hanging below it.

“It’s an orchid just like what your house in France was called.” Emily pointed out.

Fleur pulled her into a hug, you could really see how thankful she was for it and how much it meant to her. “Thank you, I can wear it as my something blue today. Really I love it so much.”

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