on the run (part eighty three)

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A/n: I'm not dead!! I'm so sorry once again for such the long wait thank you to all that's still reading. I've been doing my own research on social issues and I need to start collecting my primary data this week so I'm swamped 😭

The little pouch with the undetectable extension charm on it filled with all of our supplies was tucked safely in my pocket as Ron grabbed my hand and apparated us to a cliffside.

"This is where we were when I left but they must have moved." Ron sighed, servaying the land around him.

"Did either of them mention where you were going to go after?"

He shook his head in response.

"Well I guess we could set up here for the night and make a plan." I suggested, to which he agreed.

I set up the tent and everything inside it while Ron put up the wards around it.

By the time he was finished I was scribbling things down on a piece of paper. Trying to think of a place they might have gone to.

"Hermione was taking us to places that were meaningful to her. Places she had been with her parents." He informed me, taking a seat opposite me.

"Places that are meaningful to her that I know of could be places like her house, maybe my parents house, that caravan site her grandparents used to take her too." I suggested and he nodded along with me. "If you can think of anywhere else write it down, you know her better than me."

Ron's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. "No I...I don't." He protested, stuttering in the middle of the sentence.

"You've been really good friends for well over six years, you've automatically spent more time with her than I have." I explained with a small smirk before adding. "Plus you have a massive crush on her."

"No I don't!" He insisted all too quickly.

"Sure." I said before moving back to the task at hand. "I also think we need to think of places Harry might want to go to as well then. Such as Godric's Hollow. He probably wants to see where he spent the first year of his life and that's where all of this began."

"That's a good point." Ron agreed. "We should go there first tomorrow then."

And so it was settled.

Tomorrow we would go to Godric's Hollow and look for Hermione and Harry. While we were there we could look for clues or anything that may help.

That night, darkness rolled in very quickly and we decided to go to bed. Despite the beds being quite far apart you could still hear the other person as the turned over and by the sounds of things neither of us were asleep.

"Do people really think that I have a crush on Hermione?" Ron whispered.

Thankfully the darkness covered my smile. "I mean Charlie and I definitely think so, I can't speak for anyone else but it's kind of obvious."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Do you think she likes me?"

"She's definitely better at hiding it now but she does. You'd both be good together." I said.

"So you'd approve?" Ron's bed creaked as he sat up.

"Of course I do." I confirmed.

That was the last thing that was said for at least five minutes until he piped up again.

"Did you know that Fred used to have a crush on you?"

It was my turn to dramatically sit up. "What?"

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