She's Sick (Part Forty Four)

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A/n: so this one is kind of short and I hate to say it but next weeks will probably be shorter to for multiple reasons but after that the chapters should be back to their regular length, thank you for your patience with me :))

After christmas we didn’t get to see Tonks for a few more days as we were all so busy so Charlie and I decided to host a little get together thing in our cabin tonight for the new year, even though it was already halfway through January.

Tonks, Gracie, Adam, Bill and Fleur had just arrived as Charlie and I were setting out the snacks. Gracie and Adam haven’t met Fleur before so it was a good chance for them to get to know each other.

“Oh my Godric, Tonks guess what happened over Christmas.” Gracie exclaimed, meeting my eyes and I instantly knew what she was referring to, “Adam finally proposed?” Tonks guessed, excitement filling her voice.

Adam’s face flushed bright red at the idea and sunk into the seat as if he was trying to disappear. “No,” Gracie laughed, “Remus asked me and Y/n if you were joining us for dinner and when we said you weren’t he looked really disappointed.”

Tonks’ mouth hung open, “you're lying to me.” She accused me and my other best friend, making us laugh, “I swear to merlin we’re not.” I back up Gracie, placing my hand on my heart.

“This man needs to stop with the mixed signals I swear.” Tonks complained, shaking her head.

I knew how annoying this was for her, for the past six months I’ve watched how one minute Remus is equally as flirty with her then the next minute he wasn’t. It was like someone was constantly flicking a switch.

A little while later I got up to get everybody some drinks but as I was pouring them out Fleur approached me, “Y/n I just want to zay, whatever you told Emily zat night at halloween, thank you very much, she haz warmed up to me now.” she said. I have seen Fleur plenty of times from halloween but I just haven’t had the chance to talk to her one on one.

I smiled, “I didn’t do anything except explain she didn’t need to worry. She likes you because of what you’ve done.” I assured her as we carried the drinks back into the living room.

Just before I went to sit back down there was a knock on the door, I opened it to reveal an out of breath Bella. “Bella, are you okay?” I asked, noticing the worry that was spread across her features.

“It’s Ash,” She breathed out, trying to catch her breath. “She’s sick, really sick. We need you to be with her, she won’t let anyone help her.”

As soon as the words left her mouth my heart sank. When I first got to Romania, Ash took a liking to me, Godric only knows why. She wouldn’t let anyone go near her except for me but with time she moved past that, she’s been one of the most well behaved dragons in the sanctuary for ages.

She had to be okay. I needed her to be okay.

I turned around and grabbed my coat, “love where are you going?” Charlie called from the sofa.

“Ash is sick, they need me to be with her. I don’t know how long I’ll be, I’m sorry guys but I need to go.” I rambled out as I quickly slipped my coat on and closed the front door behind me.

Bella and I took off running to the Sanctuary, it was freezing and the wind was icy cold, it felt like it was going to slice my face but I didn’t care, all I cared about was Ash. When I did get to her enclosure it was swarmed with medical staff and tamers. I slipped my coat off knowing that I’d have to go inside her pen and it always had heat charms on it to keep her warm.

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz