Letters (part Six)

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A/N: This one's kinda short and after this it gets a little bit strange lmao but hopefully you guys will like it. Also 84 reads!!! Thank you so so much omg!!

A few months had passed since that day with Ash, and she was doing really well. Ash was now like my best friend our bond was extremely strong and she even started to warm up to other people when I was there with them. Me and Bella had also become quite close and she was my best human friend in Romania other than Charlie that is. Although I hadn't seen my family since we left and I beginning to miss them.

Me and Charlie were laying in the living room just relaxing, my head in his lap as he played with my hair, when a thump was heard at the window making us both jump.

"what the bloody hell was that" I gasped standing up and walking over to the window, "what is it?" charlie asked from the sofa.

I looked down to see a familiar owl. Errol. "it's just Errol." I concluded pushing the window open and guiding the bird inside.

The owl flew in dropping some letters onto Charlies lap before flying face first into a table. "merlins beard" I muttered picking up Errol and giving him a few treats before taking a seat beside Charlie.

He looked through the letters, there was one from my parents, one from Molly and one from Bill. Charlie handed me the one from my parents as I snuggled into his side.

I opened my letter, it was just my parents wondering how I am and the usual stuff it was nice to hear from them again, "mums invited us and your parents for Christmas" Charlie said gently running his hand up and down my arm.

"aw thats great I'll write to my mum and dad, tell her thank you. I miss everbody a lot." I replied taking a piece of parchment and a quill from the coffee table and began to write back to my parents as he did the same.

"what was Bill saying?" I asked sealing the letter in an envelope, "oh yeah I haven't opened it hold on" charlie lifted the letter from Bill and began reading it.

"one of his friends Eric, if you remember him, had a baby girl with his wife. Named her Emily, and Bill's been made Godfather." Charlie explained, I remember Eric he was Bill's best friend in Hogwarts and his wife Amelia also went to the same school, they were both so lovely but didnt have any family, for ages they only had each other and the friends they made in school. They were made for each other.

"ohh yeah I do that's great remind me to send them a letter to congratulate them later." I replied smiling. As I handed Errol my letter for my own parents.

A/n: so tomorrow they'll hopefully be 2 parts both as a Christmas chapter. Ones in line with the story and one that takes place earlier on.

Sorry for the short chapter but it's a bit of a filler one and an explanation lmao

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