Beginning of life (part seventy nine)

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Ash had been my saviour through being in hiding. I would drag out the little time I was able to stay with her just so that I wouldn’t have to be cooped up at home but of course, Charlie would come and find me if I took too long.

Not in an annoying way. I know he means well, he just doesn’t want anything to happen.

Although today I was able to walk home on my own. Pushing open the front door, I stepped inside, set my keys in the bowl and took off my coat and shoes.

“Hey love.” Charlie called from the living room, I could smell his delicious cooking from the minute I submersed further into our house.

“Lee was wondering if you thought it was safe enough now for him to come over to do the podcast.” He continued.

It was now coming close to the end of October, meaning it had almost been two months since I broke into Umbridge's house. Charlie and I were hoping that if they were going to come and find me in Romania that they would have done so already.

“I think it should be fine.” I replied.

And that is how Fred, George and Lee ended up spending the late evening with me in my kitchen.

“Thank you for doing this y/n. I know how dangerous this could be.” Lee said, setting up the microphones so we could begin.

“No problem, I'm happy to be able to get the word out to people.” I replied. I was actually really thankful that Lee was doing this. It gave a lot of people a piece of mind and kept them informed, while giving others a platform to share what they knew.

It created a sense of community and that was something we all needed.

I had listened to it a lot myself, from being in hiding.

Charlie appeared in the kitchen, one hand through his coat sleeve. “I’m sorry, I have to go. The reserve had to rescue a lot more dragons than they planned.”

The good part of working in the department I did was that unless one of the dragons directly under my care was sick, laying her eggs or the eggs were hatching then I was never called in when I wasn’t meant to be working.

“That’s okay. I’ll wait up for you. Be careful.” I told him as he kissed my head and slipped out the door.

The four of us who were left began pretty quickly. Lee started with his introduction of all our ‘names’ Lee was River, Fred was Rapier, George was Magpie and I was Lilac.

Lee’s name was a reference that he was providing a stream of knowledge. Fred’s was meant to be like a rodent because of the weasel sound in Weasley and he changed it to sound cooler. George’s was because his patronus was a magpie and mine because my last codename was violet for the topic we’re discussing. I thought it was only fitting to keep up the purple names.

Lee went through the list of people known to have been killed and we were silent for a moment out of respect for them.

“So Lilac, what can you tell us about the most recent update on Harry potter?” Lee asked.

I explained beforehand that I couldn’t tell them that much and ran past would I could say with Lee beforehand to make sure it was enough.

“Well River, I can say that as of a couple of weeks ago Harry Potter is safe and as well as he can be. He is working extremely hard to defeat you know who.” I replied.

“Do you think he is going to be successful?”

Even though whoever's listening to this can’t see me I still nodded my head. “I truly believe with my entire heart that he will be successful.”

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