My Sister (part thirty four)

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A/n: so little announcement!!!

My Charlie Weasley one shot book will be started tonight!! I have already wrote the first story for it I'm just adding a few finishing touches to it before I post it in a couple of hours!! I'm so excited to continue write here and there I hope you'll like them as much as I do if you do end up reading them!! I will be taking requests/ideas there so feel free to give me ur thoughts if you want to.

Another thing omggg thank you so much for 6k just last week I was thanking you for 5k I can't believe it <3
Your POV

"I'm going to miss living with you." Tonks confessed as I hugged her goodbye, today everyone was moving back home instead of living in Grimmauld place. Living with Tonks and everyone had been so much fun but it was time for Charlie and I to move back to our own home, as much as I enjoyed it here, I missed the dragons and work.

"I'll miss it too, but I'll see you soon." I squeezed her tightly before reluctantly letting her go. Charlie and I said goodbye to everyone else before using the Floo network to get back to our cabin in Romania.

"Home sweet home." I said as we arrived in the living room throwing my bag onto the floor. "wait, one more thing." Charlie muttered, rummaging around in one of his bags, before pulling out two glass plaques and instantly knew what they were.

He turned back to the fireplace and set our wedding vows on the mantelpiece, "what do you think?" he asked, stepping back to admire them, I stood beside him, my head on his shoulder and hand on his upper arm. "It looks great." I replied leaning into him as he put an arm around me.

"As much as I liked living at Grimmauld Place, it'll be nice not having to compete for your attention with Tonks." Charlie joked before kissing my head. It was quite funny to see the way him and Tonks would always be wanting to talk to me or spend some time with me.

They loved each other (as friends of course) too much to be serious when it happened.

I burst into laughter, smiling at the memories of the past summer. But then I remembered the bombshell that was dropped only 48 hours ago, my dad wasn't my biological dad and Hermione and I were half sisters.

I wasn't mad at them for not telling me anymore, I knew that it wouldn't do anyone any good. I just needed time to process what had come to light. In a way this was an amazing thing, I've always wanted a sibling growing up and now I have one.

The next few days were refreshing, I didn't talk to my parents, David and Jean or Hermione. I needed that. I needed a break form from everything, the order of the phoenix included.

It was just me, Charlie and the dragons.

Charlie and I had just gotten home from work when an owl came flying through an open window. I grabbed a treat for the bird before taking the letter out of its beak, it ate the treat before soaring out of the room again.

"What is it?" Charlie asked from across the room, noticing the envelope in my hands.

"I don't know." I replied, it was addressed to me but I didn't recognise the handwriting and I wasn't expecting a letter from anyone. I opened it up and read what was on the parchment.

Dear Y/n

I received a letter a couple of days ago explaining how you were my half sister. The following day another one arrived, saying that you now knew the full story as well but this one said that you needed a bit of time to process, which is completely understandable by the way. I wanted to write to you but I wasn't sure how long to wait, I'd love it if we were able to talk at some stage. The first trip to Hogsmeade is next saturday, if you're feeling up to it we could meet up for a butterbeer or something.

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя