Horcrux (part sixty five)

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A/n: omg reads and votes have been going up a lot recently thank you so much!!

The next evening Charlie was allowed to go home. It was a massive relief but it also meant that he wasn't allowed to work for a few more days which I knew that he missed by the third day.

Hermione was staying with us until Dumbledores funeral, McGonagal gave the students the option to do some work at home to finish over a part of the end of the school year before going back for the last couple of days after the funeral.

Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione were part of those students who went home only Harry was staying with the Weasley's.

I came in through the front door after a six hour shift to be greeted with the mouth-watering smell of Charlie's cooking. "Hi love, how was work? I want to hear all about it." Charlie asked as I set my key in the bowl at the door before bending down to greet Kai.

"Just the usual nothing too exciting, although Ash did enjoy that massive toffee apple you sent her." I replied, walking over to him where he stirred a pot on the stove.

Placing my hands on his shoulders I peered over his body. "How are you feeling today?"

"Much better, I don't get why I can't just go back to work." He groaned turning around to place a kiss on my lips.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "because you almost died Charlie." I paused for a moment. "We don't even know what spell it was you were hit with."

With the second statement all I got from him was a quiet yeah before he quickly turned all of his attention back to the pots on the stove.

It was strange to say the least, I thought he would've said something to try and tell me that just another reason why he should be allowed to go back.

He couldn't until at least ten days, or until he gets the all clear from the reserves nurse.

Thinking I was just over-thinking things I dropped the topic. "Why have you made so much food?" I asked, noticing just how much there was in the pots. It was at least double what Hermione, Charlie and I could eat.

"Ron and Harry are here, they're in the room with Hermione. Mum let them come over to do their school work but I wouldn't be surprised if they've got nothing done." He laughed, "would you actually tell them that dinners ready?"

I nodded and walked down the hall, quickly washing my hands before approaching Hermione's bedroom door.

It was cracked open about four inches and I could hear their hushed voices inside. "I don't know how many there is but there's enough to keep me busy." Harry whispered in a quiet voice.

I knew I shouldn't be listening to this but now I was even more curious.

"Harry if we're going to go looking for them then we need to know how many horcuxes they are." Hermione spoke, which only made even more confused.

I didn't even know what a horcrux is but I made a mental note to ask Charlie about it later as I softly knocked on the woodden door. It swayed open as my knuckles came into contact.

"Dinners ready by the way." I smiled before I turned back around heading into the kitchen. My sister and her friends in tow.

Throughout dinner I didn't ask about whatever a horcrux was. Although the term sounded familiar I didn't want them to know I overheard their conversation.

The topic was Dumbledores funeral instead. It was taking place tomorrow while Bella agreed to watch Kai for the day so he wasn't alone.

Originally I didn't think she'd agree, especially after the last time he was there and accidentally set fire to her curtains which she had to replace but maybe she just really liked the dragon.

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