Ring Shopping (part forty seven)

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A/n: sorry this one's short but there's an explanation as to why at the bottom :))

I was honoured that Bill asked me to help him pick out a ring to propose to Fleur with, in fact that's what we were doing today while Emily was with Arthur and Molly.

Apparently the jewelers in Romania where Charlie got mine, had gorgeous engagement rings so that's where we went. I pushed open the door of the shop and stepped inside as a shop clerk approached the three of us.

 She spoke in a thick Romanian accent and a friendly tone, “I remember the two of you, you were in here a few years ago looking for an engagement ring.” She glanced between Charlie and Bill. 

“Yes, that was for my now-wife.” Charlie said, motioning towards me and the clerk smiled brightly at me. “It’s nice to meet you, what can I help the three of you with now?” She asked.

“I’d like to propose to my girlfriend, so if you could help us find a ring that would be great please.” Bill sounded almost nervous to do this. I guess it was normal to be anxious, he wanted this to be perfect and that's what Bill and Fleur deserve to have, a perfect wedding and a perfect proposal.

The worker led us over to the glass cabinet filled with a range of rings, all stunningly beautiful in their own individual ways. But yet the one on my left ring finger, beside my wedding band, was still my favourite.

“How much is it you’re meant to spend on an engagement ring again?” Bill asked, turning his head to the side to look at me.

“People say at least three months salary but I don’t think it matters that much as long as the ring’s nice.” I replied, my eyes scanning over the assortment of options.

The three of us looked at least twenty rings but there still wasn’t one that was standing out to any of us, hope was beginning to slip away when Charlie waved us over to a cabinet he was examining the contents of.

“What about that one.” He said pointing to a ring that screamed Fleur Delacour. It was perfect. 

“I think this is the one.” Bill smiled, glancing between his brother and I. 

All Bill had to do was figure out how he was going to propose.

A/n: so this is short because I had a one short of y/n being pregnant that I really wanted to write so I did but the WiFi is down where I live so I'm currently posting this on my data but anyways because there's no WiFi when I tried to save the one shot (that was close to 4000 words) it glitched and didn't save and vanished of the face of the earth so I have to rewrite it this week a long with next weeks chapter and finish off the smut.

But Im not feeling well at all, physically and mentally, the only thing that makes me feel better is writing stuff that I'm excited to write lmaoo

Anyways I am so annoyed that it didn't save that I could cry because I spent like 3 and a half hours on it and now it's gone.

Thank you for listening to my rant.

Question of the chapter, dogs or cats?? And what would u call it??

Until next time.....

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें