blessings (part twelve)

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A/n: so here is a masssive time skip beacuse as i said in the previous chapter I really didn't know what do from where I left off last chapter, but I do have a lot more ideas on what to do for the fourth and fith books/movies. we are close to 1000 reads!!!!! omg i will cry if we hit it lol but im also extremely tempted to bake like a cake or something for it because we are in lockdown where i live and i have nothing else to do except write and online school. 

so just to clarify, this takes place in july of the summer of the quidditch world cup so you are 21 turning 22.  Hope you lke it :))


Your POV

it had been a few years since the party at the Burrow and some things have happened, the dragons that hatched from Ashs eggs are no longer babies but they aren't full grown adults yet either. I'm now the main carer of not only Ash and her children but two other dragons named Bubbles and comet, every two weeks me and Charlie spend the day with Emily, speaking of Charlie. Our relationship is stronger than ever before and thats saying something. Twice a month, sometimes more, I meet up with Tonks and Gracie, the three of us have gotten extremely close, they are my best friends. it would be an understatment to say I am happy. im the happiest i've ever been in life.

"hey y/n, I'll be back in a few hours, I have a few errands to do." Charlie said out of the blue putting on his jacket. "what? where are you going?" I asked curriously, approaching him.

"a few places." He simply answered with a smile, knowing thats not the answer I wanted. "and those places would be?" i pressed on as i tried to get an explanation from him.

He laughed and shook his head, "unfortunatly love, I'm afraid I can't tell you just yet." He replied kissing the top of my head as I let out a small laugh in disbelief. "I've to go but i love you." he added stepping towards the door, "I love you to." I shouted as he slipped out the door.

weird. I thought.

charlies POV:

I hated not being able to tell her everything but I knew it would be worth it in the end, I just hoped she wouldn't figure it out. Once I was away from the cabin I apparated to the nearest floo station, I didnt want to floo in the cabin incase y/n heard where I was going. I used the floo station and dusted myself off as I stepped out into the living room.

"Uncle Charlie!" I heard a voice yell as Emily came running towards me. I opened my arms up and she jumped into them so I was holding her off the ground. I shifted my grasp on her so she didnt fall and she began to giggle. "Where's auntie y/n?" She asked, gripping on to one of my shoulders.

"she's at home sweatheart, I'm afraid it's just me. although where is your dad I need to ask him something?" I asked the giggling four year old in my arms. As if on cue Bill walked in, "Charlie?" he raised his eye brows, surprised to see me standing in his livivng room.

"I just wanted to check you're still available tomorrow to help me. That is if today goes well." I explained, putting Emily down and rubbing the back of my neck. A habit I did when I was nervous.

"Yeah I am. Mum's going to watch Emily for me and don't be so worried it will. They've no reason to say no." Bill tried to reassure me, but it didnt really work I was still anxious for the outcome of what I'm about to do three times today. I gave him a small smile and thanked him.

"I should get going, I'm going to Tonks first I think. thanks again Bill, bye Emily." I said waving at the girl who smiled and waved back. I apparated out of Bills cottage and arrived outside of Tonks parents house, I remembered that y/n mentioned she was staying here while her house was being decorated.

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