celebration (part twenty four)

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A/n: so this is part 2 to the wedding
Sorry about the speeches i really didnt know what to do lol
Minor tw of drinking

We walked around the garden talking with our friends and families, even Hagrid was able to come, thanking them for coming before we took all the photos and entered the tent for dinner, the meal was amazing the caterers did a great job and when we cut the cake the middle of it was deep red, it was so pretty. then came the speeches. Both of our parents made one, so did Tonks, Gracie and Adam but Bills one almost brought me to tears.

"Hi everyone, for those of you who don't know me I'm Bill, charlie's older brother. I remember the first day I met y/n it was the same day charlie did, they had shared a compartment on the train on the fist day of their first year and at the time I didnt know why but i knew that there was a connection between the pair as soon as i saw them together. I got to witness their frienship everyday for five years until i left school and during that time y/n became like a sister to me. I also remember the day that i pestered Charlie so much about their "frienship" he confessed to liking her, It was amusing to me at the time because I already had an idea that there was something between them yet he still waited until the end of their sixth year to tell her." He began and the guests laughed while charlie just rolled his eyes at his older brother.

"I could stand here and tell you all about how its amazing that y/n is part of the family now but if i did I'd be lying. y/n was part of the family way before Charlie purposed in fact, she was part of the family before they were even together. so instead I'm going to tell you about a few things and then a few others will explain some more." He continued and i turned to charlie, "did you know about this?" I whispered, he didnt say anything except shoot me a cheeky grin, telling me that he did. I turned my attention back to Bill.

"This one time when she was sixteen, Ginny woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. Mum and Dad were out and i couldn't get a hold of them, Ginny was seven at the time and was in hysterics but she was asking for y/n. I went to her house, leaving Charlie with Ginny and explained the situation, as soon as she heard she was fully prepared to go back home with me and comfort Ginny, keeping in mind it was the middle of the night, and she did, she even spent the night." Bill let the guests react to the story before continuing.

"Now a lot of you probably don't know this but the little girl sitting beside me, Emily, is my daughter. but the thing is her parents died and they didn't have any other family and so as her godfather she was given to me, I was twenty one and I had no idea how to raise a child, I arrived with her in my arms in the middle of the night on christmas eve. She was crying and I couldnt get her to stop, that was until again y/n appeared. Y/n got her to stop crying within seconds and the first two days of me being a father y/n was my rock, I wouldnt know where I'd be without her." everyone awwed at his statement, I shook my head in disbelief.

"As well as that, not only did she give me a lot of baby stuff that was in her parents attic, thank you as well Mr and Mrs y/l/n, but she gave me the confidence to be a dad for Emily. Now Emilys first word was mama, she said it repeatedly to y/n and until she was three she used to think y/n was her mum. Which in a way she was. Y/n stepped up to be this incredible mother figure in Emilys life and I'm so glad that she has her as a female role model. If Emily had to be like any one in this room, I'd want her to be like y/n. For the past few years, besides my parents, y/n and Charlie have been the main carers for Emily when I have to work, I've lost count of the amount of times they have dropped everything to look after her for a while. Heck, last year they looked after her for a week while I was away for work. What I'm saying here is I'm always going to be I debt to them, especially y/n and I wish you both the best in your married life." Bill finished.

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