the dark mark (part sixteen)

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A/n: so just a little warning and spoiler for whats going to happen in this chapter so if you dont want to know just ingore this and skip the A/n here lol

what happened to Hermione at the Malfoy manner is going to happen to you/y/n here so if you dont like reading that stuff skip this chapter or the part where it happens, anyways ill just get on with it.


your pov

"looks like the irish has got their pride on" said fred not noticing his fathers face, "it's not the irish. we need to go." Arthur said sternly which was rare for him. "what why? Whats going on?" I asked, setting down my drink on the table.

Arthur glanced around the room, his eyes lingering on those who were the youngest in the room, staying on Emily as she woke up with all the noise, "Dad." Percy called out motioning him to tell us what in merlins name was going on.

He didn't say anything expect nod in the direction of the window in the tent behind me. I span around to see what he was talking about and what i saw shook me to the core. there was screaming, terrified people running around trying to get out of the sea of tents and into saftey, there was also groups of hooded figures wearing all black, some were carrying tall staffs lit with fire, others were firing spells at other witches and wizards.

"all of you who are underage go to the forest and dont leave until i come and get you. whatever you do dont split up. stay together. the rest of us will help the ministry." Arhtur ordered when he recognised we had a second to understand what was occuring outside the thin walls of the tent.

"y/n will go with yous to the forest." Charlie stated from beside me, it took me by surprise, "what? No, I can help you and the ministry just as well as anyone else can." I retaliated a little bit annoyed. He took both of my hands in his own and looked down into my eyes. "please y/n just go with them." He pleaded, "do it for me. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yeah and i don't want you to get hurt either but I'm not going to leave you to fight while I'm just waiting around." I replied, "Please." He begged quietly, i noticed how much worry was flashing over his eyes as he looked away then back at me. "fine, I'll go, but only because we don't have time to argue about this." I gave in and grabbed my wand slipping it into my back pocket, just in case.

"Now im sure i don't have to tell you this but I need you to be a really good girl and do whatever your aunt says." I heard Bill say to a tired Emily who nodded in response, we all muttered our 'I love you's to each other before leaving the tent.

i was at the front holding onto Emily's tiny hand, George was holding her other one, he was then holding Ginnys, she was holding Fred's and i thought he was holding onto Ron to make sure we didnt get seperated. but i was mistaken.

we got to the edge of the forest before i turned around to check on everyone, "wait a minute. Where's Hermione, Harry and Ron?" I asked beginning to panic. "I thought they were in front of you." Fred replied.

"oh no, oh godric no." I ran a shaky hand through my hair and paced a little trying to calm down. "it'll be fine they're smart, they'll be fine." I muttered, more trying to convince myself but I couldn't let them know that, they were already freaked out enough I didn't want to make matters worse. I had to remain calm.

i took a deep breath, "it's okay, they'll be alright but we should go deeper into the forest." I concluded taking Emilys hand again, for a tired four year old she was behaving really well. we walked for at least fifteen minutes, just going deeper into the forest, under the cover of the trees, before we finally stopped at a small clearing.

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