Those Who Raised Me(Part Sixty Eight)

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A/n: Thank you sm for 43k reads 🎉 ending this year in the 40k mark is incredible last year me would be so proud lol

Just a warning this one's a little sad.


I woke up before Charlie the next morning and although it was strange it was probably for the best. It gave me time to think about today.

“Are you okay?” A raspy voice cautiously called from behind me. I had attempted to leave the bed multiple times but only managed to sit on the edge, turning around to meet his worried eyes. I shook my head.

Words couldn’t describe how annoyed I am with him. Yet I had to put that aside for now and deal with something equally as horrible, only this time I was going to have to do it.

He knew he screwed up massively and he also knew that I didn’t want to talk about that right now. Which is probably why he sighed in response before rubbing a few small circles on my back.

Deciding I’d better get dressed and get today over with, I opened up my wardrobe and stared at the racks of clothes. What the hell is even appropriate to wear to something like today?

I made the choice to just be comfortable and put on jeans, a black top and layered it with a red flannel. Charlie was in the middle of putting the toast onto a big plate on the middle of the table by the time Hermione and I both joined him in the kitchen.

“I can’t sit here in silence.” I spoke up, placing my half eaten buttered piece of toast back onto my plate. “I’m just going to get to the point. Hermione, our parents are going to be targeted no matter what we do and especially because you're so close with Harry. You know who will stop at nothing to get to him and he’ll use our parents to get to us to get to him which is why they need to go into hiding.”

Hermione was nodding along with everything I was saying. “They’ll never agree to hide without knowing why and we can’t exactly explain so unless you're planning on…” Her face fell as she trailed off, her face becoming paler by the second. “No. We couldn’t.”

“It’s our only option.” I grabbed her hand from across the table and explained what the plan was.

The crashing and smashing of a plate that slipped out of my head made my brain cells bleed. I crouched down to pick the pieces up, Charlie rushed over from where he was drying the dishes that I had washed  to help me.

Tossing the shards of plate into the bin, I gave myself a minute to breathe. This was really stressful.

“Love, it’s going to be okay.” Charlie wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so sorry, for everything.”

He kissed the top of my head, “I know, I need you today. Just don't ever lie or keep something from me again.” I mumbled, holding him just as tightly.

“I promise I won't. I swear.”

Once we pulled away he glanced at the time. “You and Hermione should go. Do you want me to come with you?”

It was my turn to shake my head. “No, you wait here, we’ll be back soon.” This is something we had to do alone.

Jean and David were already at my mum and dad’s house by the time Hermione and I arrived and the smiles they all had plastered across their faces when we walked in made it even more heartbreaking. It was a bittersweet feeling. I hated that.

“Where’s Charlie? I thought he was coming.” My mum expressed, setting a platter of biscuits on the coffee table as I crouched down to ruffle Russells shiny coat.

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