Chapter 60

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I woke up looking at the time. "Only 7 am" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I popped my back and knuckles as I got out of the bed. I walked into my bathroom turning on the shower. I played music from my phone as I got in the shower. I sighed as the hot water fell over my body as I smiled at the feeling.
I started washing my body as I heard my phone ringing. Groaning because my music turned off. I leaned out the shower seeing my mom called. I shook my hand some so not a lot of water would. Get on my phone. I declined the call as I got back into my shower finishing what I need to do.


After my shower I got out drying off. Wrapping a towel around me as I called my mom back. Putting it on the speaker. "Hello" my mom answered. "Hi, what's up" I asked as she sighed. "I just wanted to check up on my baby" she said as I raised my brow. "Why" I asked confused. "Huh oh nothing really. I hope you are having fun on your trip" she said as I nodded somewhat. "Okay so what's going on with you and Issac" I asked as she chuckled some. "Not like you care. But I mean he's fine. I'm good, but he wants to have another child" she said as I started laughing. I walked out of my bathroom going to my desk as I brushed out my hair. "I hope you said no" I said as she sighed. "Well I don't know. Didn't you always want a younger sibling" she asked. "Definitely did not and you know I don't." I said as she sighed. "Well, I hope you have a wonderful time with Sean" she said. "Wait you said no right" I asked. "Honey it's late here. I've got work to go too. So I need to go" she said as I scoffed. "Mom you said no right" I said as she hung up. I groaned as I stood up grabbing some underwear from the dresser going towards the closet. "Hey you okay" corpse asked from the door.

"No" I mumbled. "Can I come in" he asked. "Uhm yeah" I said as I rushed into the closet. I heard the door open "where'd you go" he asked as I sighed. "I'm in the closet. Getting dressed" I said as he 'ahh'

"So...what's going on" he asked as I started getting dressed. "My mom and Issac are probably gonna have another fucking kid" I said as I grabbed a big white shirt. "What's wrong with that" he asked as I sighed. I put the shirt on and grabbed a pair of black jeans. Walking out of the closet. "My mom barley took care of me. She could barley keep us in a house. I lived with my uncle and my grandparents for half of my life. It was only when I turned 17, when she meet Issac and Issac treated her like a queen, but was a piece of shit behind her back and too my face. There shouldn't be another kid in their life. I know that sounds selfish. But what if my mom and Issac break up? Kicks her out of the house, where does she go? Back to her parents. She's probably gonna want me to move back down there with her" I sighed as he nodded.

I slipped on the pants as I grabbed some socks and my shoes. "Well she can't. You're 18 now, you have your own place. You make your own money, I're an adult now. If you need help I'm always here and you wouldn't have to ever worry about money or anything. I'd let you live with me if you really needed it" he said as I smiled. "Thanks but I'm worried about my mom. She was so depressed before she meet Issac. She even did drugs...I didn't think she would ever stop and get her shit together. I'm still sure she hasn't" I mumbled as he nodded. "Well I can understand your frustration. But they're adults. You are an adult. There is nothing you can really do right now. Besides getting adorable, and getting breakfast and meeting Sean today with me" he smiled as I nodded. "Yeah..true...but don't cal me adorable again" I smiled as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Awe I hate when you think I'm lying. You know you're cute. Look you are wearing literally something so simple and you still look absolutely beautiful" he said as I nodded. "Thanks corpsie" I smiled as he patted my head. "I'm gonna go make got orange juice right" he asked as I nodded. "And apple juice" I smiled as he nodded. "Which would you rather prefer" he asked as I sighed. "Orange juice" I smiled as he nodded. "Awesome. It'll be waiting for you in the kitchen" he said as he walked out of my room shutting the door.

I went to my desk putting on light makeup asking if Sean was doing anything. ~once I was done with my makeup he responded.

Sean: yeah no I'm completely free today why you wanna play among us?

Me: definitely not. Corpse and I would like to hang out with you today if you're down


Me: no no we are already eating. Tell us where you want to meet or where to go and we will be there after breakfast

I smiled as I finally get to meet Sean. He sent me an address as I walked out of the room. I went to the kitchen seeing a plate with two pancakes on it with a cup of orange juice. I smiled as corpse sat down next to me with two pancakes and a cup of water as we started eating our food.

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