Chapter 56

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Once we got done with the pizza. Sitting on his couch, I leaned up against his shoulder as he moved his arm to where now I'm laying against his side as his arm wrapped around my stomach. "What should we do while we are there" he asked as I shrugged. "We can walk around and go into shops and look at things, force Sean to go hiking, I mean it's endless at the ideas I have" I chuckled as he nodded. "Ireland is gonna be so weird" he chuckled. "Yeah, different time zone. Different accents" I nodded as he laughed. "I can't wait to hear that accent in real life" he said as I smiled. "Wait till he hears your voice in real life" I said as he continued to laugh. "Oh no, I hope he doesn't like freak out or anything" he laughed as I shook my head. "If he does he might have a heart attack" I chuckled.

"Sean's only 30 something" he said as I nodded. "Yeah he's basically ancient" I joked as he shook his head. "That's horrible. Than you must think I'm old" he said as I nodded. "Definitely, I hope I'm not breaking your hip" I said as he sighed. "I'm not old Haley....don't call me old" he said as I giggled. "Are you actually butt hurt about this" I asked as he chuckled shaking his head no. "Good I was about to call you a bitch baby for being hurt by it" I said as he gasped dramatically. "The audacity of some people" he laughed as I shrugged. "I try" I smiled as he nodded.

It went silent again, but not an awkward silence more of a comfort silence. "Haley, when's your birthday again" he asked as I raised my brow. "March 7th," I asked as he smiled. "August 8" he said as I sighed. "Man, it passed" I sucked my teeth as he nodded. "Yeah but it's okay" he said patting my head. "How is it already 5 in the afternoon" he sighed as I smiled. "Because we woke up at like 7 something, streamed, and than started packing things. Now here we are" I smiled as he nodded. "Yeah that seems to add up" he laughed as I nodded. "Well i would say do you want to stream but...kinda can't" he laughed as I nodded. "We can watch something else on tv though" he added as I completely forgot the tv was on.

He flipped through channels until it landed on American dad. "I loved this show when I was younger" I chuckled. "I liked family guy" he said as I nodded. "I feel like you kin for the money" I chuckled hoping he would get my joke. "The mean the one that hides in Chris's closet and is insanely mean to him" he asked as I nodded laughing alittle. "Well than I think you Kim Rodger" he said as I smiled. "Obviously, homie is the only reason why I watch it. He's hilarious, sassy, and rude" I said as he smiled. "I like Stewie" he said as I nodded. "Stewie is dope" I smiled as he nodded.


I woke up to the sound of an alarm going off. I sighed stretching noticing my bed was hella weird feeling. I looked down and saw I was laying on top of corpse , I turned and looked away as I heard a phone still going off. I groaned sitting up moving off of him as he groaned rolling over.

I chuckled as I closely to find his phone I followed it to a room, I opened the door seeing a nicely made bed, dresser, a closet the doors wide open. I smiled seeing his phone on his nightstand picking it up and turning it off. I noticed he had a lot of messages as I just ignored them and walked into his closet. I smiled as I saw a very nice hoodie, I took it off it's hanger grabbed his stained white t shirt adding it. I moved further down as I grabbed some more shirts and long sleeves. I walked out of his closet walking out of his room seeing him not sitting on the couch yawning. "What was that sou-" he cut himself off looking up at me as he saw a lot of his shirts in my arms, "Uhm...your alarm was going off" I smiled as he stood up, he grabbed his phone from my hands looking at the clothes I had in his hand. "Hmm...make sure to bring my hoodies back, and even the one you jacked from me and thought I didn't noticed. That was my favorite one. But you're also gonna need something hold on." He said moving me to the side some as I was confused on why he wasn't upset at the fact I am taking his clothes and not matter what he says, he's not getting them back. "You're gonna need this" he said handing me some cologne. "When they lose the smell, that's what I wear" he said as I smiled. "My uncle would get pissed at me for taking his clothes...why aren't you" I asked as he chuckled. "You're going next door...not down the road, not across the country. Just down the hall some that's it" he shrugged as I nodded. I walked towards the door. "Take a shower, I'll be back over in twenty minutes so we can go get breakfast" I said rushing out of the door as I went into my apartment.

I smiled as I grabbed his white shirt with wine on it, laying it out. Grabbing a pair of black pants, along with his black zip up jacket. Spraying it all with cologne. I put the rest of his stuff up in my closet starting my water. Getting everything I needed I went into my bathroom, getting undressed as I went to grab my phone, noticing it wasn't in site...must have left it at corpse's. I sighed grabbing a towel, even though I'm home alone, wrapping it around me as I went into my bedroom looking where my desk is seeing nothing as it hit me I already packaged it ready to be sent off.

I groaned as I went back in deciding a silent shower might help me relieve some stress.

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