Chapter 11

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A few weeks have passed and corpse hasn't really talked to me, we have said goodmorning and good nights and hope each other are okay, he did actually stop doing a lot videos, and his slowly updates on social media now, but today my new bodyguard is showing up, and it's the first time I get to meet him, along with him going to New York with me.

"Haley, are you almost ready" my mother asked at my door. "No" I said as she sighed. "Are you decent" she asked as I looked down at my close. "No" I lied as she sighed, she mumbled something to someone as she opened my door and walked in. "Mom I'm naked" I lied again as she sighed. "Please, I pushed you out of my body, bathed you, and I've changed your diapers. You've got the same luggage as me" she said as I rolled my eyes turning back around to my computer. "Honey, your bags aren't even packed, you can come on honey" mom said as the door opened as I rolled my eyes. "Haley, this is Jason, Jason....this is Haley, my daughter you will be protecting" my mom said as I kept my chair facing away from them. "Yeah she isn't good with meeting new people, so it'll be a quiet trip" my mom chuckled as I heard the person hum.

I rolled my eyes as I heard me dresser drawers opening and closing. "Mom, stop" I said as she was shoving cloths into my suitcase. "Haley, your flight, leaves at 4:30 it is now, 3:15. The limo driver is going to take you out for lunch on now that I'm not gonna be able to go with you, so you and Jason will be going where ever to get food, I want you to be prepared" she said rushing to where her brain wasn't working so her words weren't making sense. "Mom, chill out, I can pack for myself, I don't want food, I want to stay here, I want to go to corpse's house, and I want my own mother to trust me" I sighed standing up moving my suitcase away from her. "I've already told you get your shit together and get ready" she said foxing her clothes.

She sighed as she walked out of the room as I looked up at Jason. "Sup" I said moving my hand some to indicate a sorta wave. As all he did was close his eyes and bow his head some. "The fuck was can't speak" I asked as he sighed looking around my room. "I can...just choose not too" he mumbled...his voice was low just like corpse, low key sounds like him too.

"Hmm...okay...well" I sighed raising my eyebrows as I grabbed a hand full of clothes and shoved them into the suitcase, grabbing my bag and throwing my vape, my wallet, my phone charger, my AirPods, and my laptop into it zipping it up, I grabbed a smaller bag throwing my bathroom items in it, making sure I had room for my makeup and stuff.

I sighed grabbing another pair of shoes putting them in a different pocket of the suitcase. I sighed zipping it up, locking on my smaller bag onto the top of it and throwing my book bag over my shoulder. I looked up at Jason as I now noticed he had a mask on and his hair cover almost his eyes. Making his face very difficult to see. "Hmm...take the mask off" I said as he shook his head. "Why not" I asked as I grabbed my switch and the charger and my games for it shoving them in their case than into my bag.

"Or just stand there and ignore me...whatever" I said as grabbed my suitcase and started rolling it out of my room walking past him. "Let me" he said going to grab the suitcase as I turned back around and gave him a disgusted look. "I'm not helpless" I said as he sighed, nodding, and backing up I left my room as he was shutting the door behind me. my smaller bag fell off of my suitcase. I went to pick it up but he snatched it off the floor. "At least....let me carry...this" he said taking pauses in his sentences. "Why do you pause" I asked as he sighed. "Like I said...I don't like to talk" I said as I nodded looking him up and down and continuing down the steps. I noticed he was wearing a regular black hoodie and black skinny jeans, along with vans. His hair was black and not curly but not straight, he had chains and rings on we walked down the steps.

I wore sweat pants and a regular crop top with my converse. Along with my hair in a high ponytail with no makeup on. We got down the steps to see my mom standing in the living room talking on the phone, she kept motioning us out of the house as I rolled my eyes leaving as Jason followed. I don't know why but every time he speaks...I want to call him corpse..I guess I just miss corpse a lot, I'll have to text him about this once I get in the limo. The trunk opened of the limo as the limo driver, victor grabbed my bag and pushed it in the trunk along with another suitcase and two smaller bags as I assumed it was Jason's.

Jason and I entered the limo as I sighed grabbing my small book bag and took my AirPods out listening to some of corpse's music as I decided to tell corpse about 'Jason' as the limo driver started driving. "Haley...your mother has recommended we go to get food, what would you like" he asked as I sighed. "McDonald's" I smiled as I sent the text. "Of could I forget" victor chuckled as I smiled. Jason's phone went off as he didn't answer it. "Aren't you going to get that" I asked confused. "It can wait" he mumbled as I nodded. "You know it's gonna be hard understanding you with that mask on...maybe you should take it off" I smiled going to reach for it but he grabbed my hand as I noticed his hand and arms were veiny and soft. So nice.

I smiled looking at his hand as I assumed her got uncomfortable with me starting at him, due to the fact he cleared his throat and pushed my arm away. "Please, don't touch my mask" he said looking back up as I raised a brow. "Let me guess, a number 6 with sweet and sour sauce with a large sweet tea" victor asked o as we pulled up into the drive through. "Yes please" I clapped pulling out my debit card handing it too him as he "Jason, would you care for anything" victor asked. "No thank you" he said as I raised a brow. "Victor are you going to get anything" I asked as he shook his head. "No ma'am, I made breakfast before I showed up, thank you though" he smiled ordering the food as I looked up at Jason.

"What have you eaten today" I asked as he gave me a side eye to see if I was being sarcastic or not. "I'm not hungry" he mumbled out as I scoffed. "I did t ask if you were hungry, I asked if you've eaten" I said as he shook his head. "I'm fine" he said as I was handed my card back along with my food and drink. "Well, I'm gonna sit right here and watch anime, I don't eat my fries so if you want them you are more welcome to it, I'm not gonna pressure you to take your mask off so I'll face away from you while you eat...and you better eat the fries, especially if you haven't eaten anything all day" I stated handing him the fries as I faced the window pulling my laptop out, hooking it up to my hotspot, and hooking my AirPods to my laptop deciding to finish my anime.

Corpse Husband? (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora