Chapter 86

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We pulled into Sykkuno driveway as he walked to the backseat as he hoped in. Getting into the middle. "Hi Sykkuno" Rae and I said smiling. "Oh hi hello" he said smiling but covering it with his hand. "So Haley how are you and corpse" Sykkuno asked. "Oh Uhm fine" I nodded. "Did you know they're dating" Rae asked putting in Leslie address. "Oh Uhm yeah, yup I knew. He told me once she said yes" he said nodding as I started to drive towards Leslie house. "Yeah she caught him cheating on her" Rae said as I sighed. "Wait what" Sykkuno asked as I shook my head. "No no no, he wasn't cheating. His ex was just straddling him on his head, with him handcuffed to his bed, and he had rags in his mouth" I sighed as they nodded. "Is that why you left early yesterday" Sykkuno asked. "Yea and than she had the audacity to go to his house and hang out with him and than sleep at his place and than once the morning came he ignored her, all day" Rae said over exaggerating. "No he hasnt ignored me all day, he's at the doctors office" I said as they 'awed'. "Why didn't you say that earlier" Rae asked. "I didn't think it was important" I shrugged. "Is he okay" Sykkuno asked as I nodded. "He's getting back into physical therapy. While he was still playing with you guys, I noticed he had blood on his desk, and he would move his arm some so I asked if he was okay. Than I found out he was chronically ill so I had him make an appointment and get back on the right track so he doesnt die" I said as they nodded as we blasted music.


We finally got Leslies as we got out and walked to her front door. She answered the door hugging Rae and sykkuno. "Oh I hope you don't mind but we brought Haley, this is my best friend" Rae smiled. "Also corpse's girlfriend" Sykkuno nodded. "Oh hello, I'm Leslie" she said hugging me as I hugged her back. "Hello" I smiled as Rae patted my back. "We'll come on in. I'm gonna get the stream ready, you guys go sit in the living room with Alex" she said. "Take your shoes off" she said as we nodded. We all took our shoes off as we walked in the living room. "Hi Alex" Rae smiled "hello, ready to get your hair done" he smiled as she seemed nervous. "What are you doing to it" I asked confused. "I'm getting it cut" she smiled. "Like mine cut" I asked as her eyes popped out. "Oh no no no, not that short no" she said as I started laughing. "Only like a half inch" she shrugged. "That's not a lot" I laughed as she shook her head. "It's enough" she said as I laughed.

"Sykkuno are you getting your hair cut too" Alex asked. "Oh Uhm maybe alittle" Sykkuno nodded as we all sat on the couch as I sat between Sykkuno and Rae. "Oh hi, I'm Alex you are" he asked putting his hand out. "Uhm Haley, I'm raes friend" I smiled. "Raes best friend" Rae said correcting me as I smiled. "Oh you're dating corpse husband right" he asked as I raised my brow. "How do you know" I asked confused as he smiled. "I heard sykkuno telling Leslie" he laughed as they sat there and laughed along.  As I sat their and smiled. "Hey, Peter is in his room, wanna go say hi" Alex asked. "Hell yeah let's go see Peter" Rae smiled as Alex stood up. I noticed Leslie coming into the living room with a camera and a stand setting it up. "We're gonna go see Peter" Alex said as Leslie nodded. "Okay" she smiled as we all moved up to the stairs.

Once we got to the top and to the steps we walked to the second door on the left as Alex knocked. "Can we come in" he asked. "Huh" Peter said from the opposite side of the door. "Is it okay to walk in" Rae asked walking going into the room. "WHOA WHOA WHOA" he yelled. I grabbed Rae by her waist pulling her back. "I don't think it is okay" I chuckled as she agreed. "Yeah probably not" Rae laughed. "Making he's jacking it off" Rae laughed. "Wait what" Sykkuno laughed as I giggled. "Shut up Rae" I said as Alex lead us towards Leslies room. Rae threw her self on the bed. "Get out, they can't know you are here yet" Leslie yelled as Rae jumped getting up. "I'm so sorry, they didn't see anything" Rae said as Leslie agreed as she moved infront of the camera. "Oops" Rae chuckled as we walked back down stairs. "I'm so nervous about this. It's been a long time sense I got my hair cut" she said as I chuckled. "You have time you can leave" Alex said as Rae laughed. "I don't know yet" she giggled as we all sat on the couch again starting to talk.

After a few seconds a light turned on the camera and laptop that is now on the table as I chuckled. "Guys I think it's on" I laughed as Sykkuno nodded. "Yeah, yup the camera is definitely on" he agreed. "Just smile and wave boy just smile and wave" Alex said as we all smiled waving at the camera as Rae and I being extra as fuck. Smiling too wide. "Oh wait she's recording this" I asked. "She's streaming" Alex corrected me as I slapped my hand over my mouth. "Oop" I mumbled as they all laughed at me. "I look like trash you guys can't be doing this too me" I sighed as Leslie came hoping down the stairs. "Okay hey guys" she smiled sitting in between Rae and Alex. "Okay, wait who smells so good" Leslie asked looking towards me and sykkuno. "Yeah I was wondering the same thing" Rae agreed. "Sykkuno is it you man" Alex asked. "Oh no but I do smell it too, and it does smell nice" he nodded as everyone looked at me. I looked behind me as Rae shoved me lightly. "Oh Uhm it's me haaa" I laughed as they chuckled at me. "What are you wearing. It's men's cologne" Leslie said grabbing my arm smelling it. "Uhm, I don't want to mention it on camera" I mumbled as she nodded. "Ohhh oh I think I know" Rae said. "Yeah I think I might know too" Sykkuno said as I chuckled. "Whisper it too me" I said leaning over to Sykkuno.

"Is that corpse cologne" he asked as I nodded. "Now you" I said leaning on Rae as she chuckled. She moved my hair out of the way like a toddler. "Are you wearing corpse clothes" she said as I snorted. "Hoodie, and cologne yes" I smiled. "Can I tell Leslie" she asked as I nodded. She leaned over telling Leslie. "Aweee that's co cute" she smiled. "Can I tell Alex" she asked. "Uhm yeah sure" I chuckled as he nodded. "Aweee good stuff. I'm gonna need him to tell me what he uses" he nodded as I smiled. "I'll make sure he tells you" I smiled. "wait are you saying I stink" Alex asked as I started laughing shaking my head no. "No I didn't mean it like that" I laughed as he nodded. "Okay let's introduce ourselves starting with Sykkuno" Leslie smiled as Sykkuno looked nervous.

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