Chapter 36

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After I got done walking Tara and entered my home. I heard discord going off on my computer. I rushed over. Seeing corpse was sending me the code to the game. I replied back saying to give me five minutes to get ready. I fixed up my makeup as I heard knocking at my door. "COME IN" I screamed knowing I didn't lock the door. I heard it open and close as I turned to see corpse coming into my room. "What's up" I smiled. "I realized you don't have the new mod we are using" he said grabbing my gaming chair, he moved it away from my desk as I was in the middle of fixing my makeup, he put my headphone on pulling the mic close to him as he cleared his throat. "Hello can you guys here me" he asked."yeah I'm doing her mod thing while she gets ready" he said as he clicked a few more times. "Okay but you guys can hear me. Doesn't sound weird" he asked. "Rad okay" corpse said taking the headset off. Moving my mic back down.

"Okay so it's called proximity chat, instead of us talking through discord, we can talk in the game itself. Say if I got close to you and wanted to tell you toast was imposter you could hear me. But if you give, you can hear me but I can't hear you, got it" he asked as I nodded. "Yeah, thank you" I smiled as I brushed out my hair. Finished with my makeup. "Cool, also you're pretty without makeup" he said kissing the side of my head. I smiled as got butterflies. As I watched him leave. "LOCK YOUR DOOR" he said as I walked after him to lock it. I sighed going back to my room. Starting my live on YouTube. Greeting everyone.

"Hi hello corpse" poki said as corpse avatar popped up. "Hello, so Haley has never played like this so I had to get it started for her and Explain it" he said as they all 'ahh' understanding.

We started the round. "Haley don't follow corpse" I heard as imposter showed up on my screen with corpse. "Okay" I laughed looking at my other monitor wiggling my eyebrow at the screen. I started to play the round singing to myself. "Hi lily" I said coming up behind her. "Oh, hello hello Haley" she said. "I liked that song you were singing." I smiled. "Oh wanna sing it with me." She asked. "Sure." I Smiled as we started singing. "Hello James Charles" she said as James passed up, I killed Lilly, ran off hoping James didn't see. "Okay it was James" toast said as we entered the discussion. "WAIT WHAT" james asked. "Okay listen, lily and I had a plan. I would stand off somewhere close to where's I could hear her. I heard Haley saying hi to her and they started singing. She said hi James Charles. I'm assuming Haley walked off and James murdered her. He walked past me. I went and found Lily's body" toast said as my eyes were huge. "Well" corpse said as everyone voted. "WAIT I DIDNT KILL LILY" James started laughing. "That's smart toast omg" Rae laughed.

"That's evil" Sykkuno laughed. "Oh we're on seven maybe we should just skip" Sykkuno said. "That's something an imposter would say" poki gasped as we all laughed. "Dang okay well because everyone is voting me I guess I should vote myself than" he said as it said everyone voted for him. I started laughing. "Jesus. Toast did a big brain" I shook my head running off as corpse called lights. Him and I ran to the light as we stood in the dark waiting. Rae and toast walked in. Corpse and I doubled killed and vented to medbay. No one passed as we left and went around as someone reported the bodies. "Okay so toast and rae's body are on light. Poki and I walked in on it" Sykkuno said. "I think Dave, also we must have been wrong about James so I am thinking Haley too" Sean said as I gasped. "Wow...okay, let me tell you why you are wrong about me.  Once lights were called, I went down, than I thought someone would kill so I said fuck that. I'm turning around. So I went towards Nav and went all the way around, saw corpse AFK in cafe then followed me around to medbay than the bodies got called" I lied as they hummed. "Haley I thought I saw you and corpse going into lights" Dave said. "How with the lights off" I asked. "Ohhhh" poki said. "I'm voting for who I think it is"  corpse said as I voted for Dave. Soon everyone else voted. I saw someone voted me. Probably Dave.

I smiled as I saw him getting thrown into space. "Okay, Haley protect me" Sean said a I chuckled. "Okay. Well lights are still off so let go to top cafe so we don't die"  I smiled as he followed. "Yeah corpse let's go up here with them whil poki fixes lights" I heard Sykkuno as I stared laughing. "Oh no we're gonna die"sykkuno said as he went to run as corpse
Killed him. "WAIT WHAT" Sean said as I killed him. The ending screen popped up. "Oh that was fun" I said. "Haley how did you find out our plan" toast asked. "I didn't know anything about it. I was gonna kill Lilly. Wait for the body to get reported and blame James, that was just insane" I laughed as everyone chuckled. "Okay well I think Janet is coming" Rae said as she popped up. "Hi hello" she said as her little avatar was yellow. "Janet you haven't meet Haley yet" she said as I smiled. "Hi Janet" I said. "Hi Haley. I'm a fan I'm only here for you" she said as I laughed. "Thank you. I hope I kill you first" I chuckled. "WAIT WHAT" she laughed as the round started and I got crewmate.

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