Chapter 49

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"Where's Tara" I asked now walking into the kitchen. "Last time I saw him, he was outside honey" my grandma said as I nodded. "In the pin or running  loose" I asked as she looked at my uncle. "He was with Caleb" my uncle said as I nodded. "Where'd did Caleb go" I asked as he looked around. "He's in the field, running towards the house.....with no Tara" my grandpa said as I rushed outside. I jumped the gate my grandparents had going down the stairs. I hopped onto one of the four wheelers my grandparents had. Starting it up. "Wait....I don't wanna stay by myself" corpse said as I chuckled, he hopped onto the back. "Hold on tight" I mumbled as I raced off towards Caleb.

"HALEY" I heard him scream as I got closer, I slowed down once I got near him. "Where is Tara" I asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine thanks for asking" he said out of breath. "Where the fuck is my dog" I said as he pointed towards the wood. "He was barking at something and I tried to call him back but I saw a snake and thought it was gonna bite me so I ran" he sighed as I nodded. "Jason do you know how to drive this" I asked as he nodded. "Take him back to the house, and bring a gun please" I said as he nodded. Caleb got on as he drove off. I raced towards the woods. "Tara" I said as I whistled at the end.

"Tara" I called as I sighed once I got to the edge of the woods. I heard him whining as I sighed. I turned back around and saw my uncle, and corpse coming back. My uncle had a 22. I heard my grandparents other four wheeler starting up and racing. Seeing Issac and my mom. My uncle and corpse made it up. "Where's Tara" he asked as I sighed. "I don't know, I heard him whining that way" I said as he nodded racing off. "Tara is okay, he's a cool dog." Corpse smiled as I heard the 22 pop off. "DID YOU SHOOT MY FUCKING DOG" I asked rushing towards where I heard it.

I saw my uncle standing over Tara, "what's going on" my mom asked coming up too us. "Tara got bite by a rattler" my uncle said as I felt tears streaming as I saw the rattle snake laying dead next to Tara. Tara starting up at us as I smiled down at him. "I think it's best if Haley kills her...take the dog out of misery" Issac said as I looked up at him. "First off, Tara is a fucking boy. Second off, if I'm handed that gun I'm shooting your fucking ass" I said as he sighed. "Women...over exaggerating" he said. "I'll shoot your ass" my uncle said as Issac sighed. Rolling his eyes he left. "We can still save him right" my mom asked. "No, or bite him on the neck, he's lucky if he survives an hour at least" my uncle said as I felt arms wrapping around me. I felt my tears falling helplessly down my face. 

Tara tried to stand up but only to fall back down as he looked up at me whining more. "Tara" I smiled as I dropped down onto the ground. "We'll leave you guys here, take the gun just in case" my uncle said handing it too corpse.

"I'm so sorry Haley" corpse said sitting on the ground infront of me. Tara put his head on my lap as I pet his Head. "It's okay...he was a city dog...This was his first time in the country...and he decided he should try to kill a rattlesnake" I smiled. "Well, he was doing something he loved right? Protecting, just like how he protects you....he was protecting Caleb" corpse said as I nodded.

"True, I love you so much" I smiled as Tara licked my arm as if I'm the one that got bite by a snake. "Do you want me to leave" corpse asked standing up. "No...please don't leave me. I just lost the only thing that I could hang out with. During a horrible part of my life. I am losing my best friend....please don't leave me" I sighed as he nodded.

I looked back down at Tara and saw his eyes rolled back, foam coming out of his mouth as I started crying again. "Tara no" I sniffed as I gave him one last pet.

I grabbed a stick and started moving dirt out of the making a grave for him. I sighed I took my shirt off making it a pillow. I put Tara in the grave pushing the dirt back over him. I pet the dirt down as I sighed. I grabbed two sticks, pulling the shoe string from my shoe tying them into a cross, I put the cross deep enough into the ground so it wouldn't fall over. I looked over at corpse as he had his jacket off. "Here you" he said as I grabbed it. "Thanks" I smiled as he put his arm around me. "Of course" he said as we walked back to the fourwheeler, I held the gun as he drove us back down to the house.

"Are you okay" my mom asked as I sighed. "No, I just lost my best friend" I said as she sighed. "I'm gonna be in my old room, let me know when dinners done or if you guys need any help" I sighed as I grabbed corpse hand. "Haley wait" I heard as I turned around and saw Caleb. "I'm sorry I got your dog killed. I didn't mean too, we were playing fetch" he said as I nodded. "It's not your fault. Please leave me alone" I sighed as I continued to walk upstairs. Once I got into my old room and sat on the bed. "You wanna talk about it" corpse asked as I shook my head. "Wanna hug" he asked as I shook my head. "You wanna cry some more" he asked as I nodded. "Only if you hug me while you cry" he added. "Okay" I said as I started to cry some more. Holding tightly onto his shirt as I just let everything out.

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