Chapter 66

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I finally decided on the black dress, I grabbed some fishnets, socks, underwear, and my black boots. I walked into my shower getting ready to take one. I started my water as I undressed grabbing my phone playing some music. I hopped in the shower as I started to wash my body.


After an hour in the shower I sat on the toilet putting lotion all over my body to smell like coconuts. I brushed my hair out, turning my flat iron on, I started on my makeup as I put on light makeup. I dryer my body off, putting on my socks, than fishnets, I slipped the dress on as I couldn't reach the zipper. I groaned waiting on the zipper as I slipped my boots on. I brushed my hair out once again as I flat ironed my hair, but making the ends of my hair kinda curly and bouncy.

I smiled once I was done with everything. I walked out of the bathroom, making sure everything was unplugged as I walked into my bedroom. Putting on some cute rings and the necklace corpse got me. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror smiling. I walked out of the bedroom seeing him in the living room tying his converse. He wore black pants, a white shirt with a black vest on and black tie. His hair semi wet and alittle curly. "Wow" he smiled as I nodded. "Not so bad yourself, can you zip me up please" I asked turning around as I moved my hair out of the way.

I felt him touch my bare back. "Maybe we should just stay here tonight" corpse chuckled. "Boy, zip up my dress" I chuckled as he sighed. He zip up the dress as I smiled. "Thank you" I said as he nodded. "Well let's go m'lady" he smiled as he grabbed the car keys. "Wait, can I get a picture of us. I swear I will not post it...I just want it as my Lock Screen" I smiled as he stood there looking at me up and down than too the side. He had a serious look on his face. "It's okay, you don't have too" I said as he shook his head. "No it's okay, as long as you send me the picture too" he said as I nodded.

"Come in my room. I like the lighting" I smiled grabbing his hand as I rushed into the room. I grabbed my little stand from its bag setting it up with the light. Turning it down some but making it kinda light up to room.

We stood infront of the wall under my LED lights as I started the timer. "Okay ready" I asked as he looked confused. "What should I do" he asked. "Uhm, kick that leg out some not alot, lean towards me some, have your hands together and look off if you want to, look at me if you want too, or at the camera" I smiled as he nodded doing like I said as he decided to look at me. I stood next to him as I put my hand on his shoulder. I started the timer as it started to countdown. I looked down at my boot, kicking my leg up some as if I was trying to zip it up.

After I heard the click I smiled. "One more" he asked. "Sure" I smiled as I ready the timer. "What now" I asked as he sighed. "Uhm, how about like this" he said making me face away from him, he put his arms around me as I chuckled. "This is kinda so generic" I said as he raised his brow. "How" he asked. "Well every couple that happy takes at least one picture like this" I said as he nodded. "True, but we aren't a couple yet, so let's take the picture. Fuck the system" he said as I chuckled. "Okay" I said starting the timer as we got into the pose. I heard corpse laughing which cause me to laugh, I put my hand over my mouth as it took the picture. "I like that one" he said as I nodded. "Yeah...we look comfortable" I smiled as I sent both the pictures to corpse. "Okay let's go" I smiled as I held his hand as we walked out of the room. Going to the front door. He opened the door for me as I walked out. He shut and locked the door as he unlocked the Jeep. We hopped in as he started to drive us to the restaurant.


After a few hours we finally made it. We had someone drive the car off to the parking lot thing. As we walked into the building. "How many" the lady asked. "Two please" corpse said as she jumped some. "You good" he asked as he cleared her throat. "Yes sir...uhm, this way" she said sounding nervous. "I think you gave her a heart attack" I snorted as he nodded agreeing with me. She sat us down at a booth as she handed us some Menu's. "You and your date look lovely tonight" she smiled. "Well thank you" I smiled. "Yeah she is really beautiful" corpse smiled. "Alright what can I get you guys to drink" she asked as I sighed. "I'll take a water, thank you" I smiled. "Of course and for you sir" she asked as corpse sighed. "I kinda want the slushee but that's on the kids menu....I'll take a water too" he said as she nodded. "Of course. Do you guys know what you want already or would you guys like a minute" she asked putting her notebook down. "I'm going to need a minute" corpse said flipping through. "Uhm, I'm gonna need a minute too, but do you guys separate your shellfish away from the other food?" I asked as she looked up at the ceiling. "I know that's probably a stupid question" I chuckled. "Uhm no ma'am, I believe we have everything labeled in the back for what is used for beef, pork, fish and stuff like that. But I will let them know not to mix anything are you allergic" she asked. "Yes I am allergic to shellfish so I just wanted to make sure you guys don't dump something in where shrimp has also been dumped in you know" I asked. "Of course ma'am. I will make sure they all know back there. I will be back with your drinks" she smiled as we nodded.

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