Chapter 18

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After the long plane ride back we finally made it back to cali, victor was driving us home as I sighed. "I'm so tired" I mumbled as we are now on the highway back home. "Take a nap" Jason said as I sighed. "I don't want to take a nap now" I said stretching as he sighed, he put his phone down as he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down towards his lap, my head laying on his leg as he had one arm laying over my side as his other hand held his phone as he was looking at something, his eyes glanced down towards me as he raised a brow. "Sleep" he said as I sighed trying to get comfy as I tried to go to sleep.


"Haley we're here" I heard Jason say rubbing my arm as I stretched sitting up.I gathered my stuff as I got out of the car popping my back as Jason got out with me. "So am I only gonna be able to see you when I go places or are you gonna be at the house too" I asked as he shrugged. "Whatever your mom tells me to do, I'll do it" he said as I nodded.

"Okay well give me your number just in case I need to get in contact with you" I said pulling my phone out. "I rarely ever answer my messages, uhm I'll add myself on your Snapchat if that's okay" he said as I nodded clicking on the app as I nodded.


I let out a breath as I was glad I was able to talk her out of my number, she already has it. I don't think she has me on Snapchat. I sighed as I pulled my phone out too, I added her on snap and changed my name to 'Jason' instead of corpse. I smiled as I accepted her requested and handed her the phone.


"Okay, I'll see you later than Jason" I smiled waving bye as he nodded. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the house as my mom came outside. "Honey it's so good to see you again" she said as I nodded going into the house.

Amy (Haley's mom)

I walked over to Jason as he was grabbing his bag from the limo. "I'm very glad Haley and you really hit it off, I'm glad I wasn't bombarded with messages saying she hated you or anything, all of her old ones, she ended up firing them in New York and didn't care how they got home, I'm just glade that didn't happen to you" I smiled at Jason as he nodded. "I kinda figured we would have more in common, we are both around the same age and instead of acting as a bodyguard I just acted as a friend but still made sure she was protected" he explained as I nodded. "Well, would you like to be her designated bodyguard when she leaves the state or full time, she has her trained dog here at the house so I'm sure she will be fine, but if she wants to go to the arcade or the store or something, would you like to be full time or out of state" I asked as he sighed thinking for a few minutes.

"I'll do the going out of state one, if that's fine" he said as I nodded. "Of course, I'm very glade you decided to work with us, here is your payment" I smiled handing him the check for five hundred dollars, "Haley sometimes likes to go to Paris and stuff that includes going out of the country, so when those times come, you'll be getting paid more for longer the trip, and you'll be getting paid less for the shorter the trip" I explained as he nodded. "Sounds cool" he nodded as he folded the check up and shoved it in his pocket, "I'll see you guys later" he said as a car pulled up to the gate as he waved bye, "good bye Jason" I smiled as I watched as he opened the gate getting into the car as the gate shut automatically.

I went back into the house seeing Haley passed out on the couch, she must be very exhausted from the plane trip. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen, making a note on our fridge for her, letting her know I am leaving, I'm late for work so I could give Jason the check.

I rushed up to my room, changing than rushed to the car, speeding off to work.



I heard a door slam shut as I jumped, realizing I was on the couch, I must have fallen asleep. I sighed standing up. Grabbing my bag and pulling them up to my room, I took an hour putting everything up, checking the messages on my laptop, than my phone, I posted a picture of myself sitting in my desk saying I'm finally home and we will be back on our regular schedule tomorrow because I'll be sleeping all day today.

I sighed as I got a notification seeing corpse liked it on Instagram. I smiled as I was glad I was finally home and hoping he had time so we could call tomorrow and play among us.

I put my phone on the charger as I played my playlist off of my computer as lil peep started playing, I turned it up so I could hear it from the bathroom, as I started the shower, I put all my clothes up and put everything back where I had and threw my dirty clothes in a corner. I went into my bathroom taking a shower. Shaving and than for out, putting lotion all over myself.

I put on a pair of shorts, long knee high socks, and a black tank top. I went to my desk and turned the sound down some and went to my bed laying down, and almost immediately falling back asleep.

Corpse Husband? (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ