Chapter 13

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‼️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: uncomfy touching towards the've been warned‼️⚠️

The plane landed as I shoved my laptop back into my bag, playing music as Jason and I got off the plane, as we were walking down the long hallway I felt someone shoving up against me, I turned around and saw a man taller than me, but shorter than Jason "Uhm sorry" I apologized thinking I must have been walking too slow. "No it's okay, sweetie, hey you're very pretty" he smiled as I nodded. "Oh thank you, I need to caught up with him, excuse me" I said going to move faster up but he grabbed my hand. "Oh you're looking for someone, I'll help you" he smiled down at me as I thanked him, not finding Jason.

We got into the airport as this man was holding my hand. I tried to wiggle my hand out but it wasn't working. "Where is he" I sighed looking around not seeing him at all. "What does he look like, I don't want a pretty thing like you getting snatched by the wrong person" he said pulling me closer to him. "Uhm, he is wearing a black mask, his hair is kinda curled and he has beanie on top of his head now, I think it's a hard blue" I said freaking out as Jason slowly faded from my mind.

"Hey, what's your seem like you're kinda freaking out" he said as I felt my breathing quicken up. "Uhm....uh...Haley, i am Haley" I said as he nodded. "Okay, well Haley, my names Alex, we are gonna find him together okay, what's his name" he asked rubbing my shoulders but it only made me more upset. "Jason...Jason" I said shaking as he nodded. "Okay, Haley, can you do me a favor" he asked as my eyes went wide. "No" I said too quickly. "Look, Haley, I'm not going to hurt you, bumping into you was a complete accident please I need you to calm down, I know you're a YouTube and it's odd that your body guard isn't here to protect you" he said as I started freaking out at the thought of him being a crazed fan.

"Uhm...okay" I mumbled. "Please, do me a favor, and please hold your breath, count to three, than release" he said as I did as he said as I slowly felt my breathing become steady.

Now I can think clearly. "Okay, now let's see if we can find Jason" he smiled as he held my hand again as he started walking where our bags are. I saw Jason leaning up against a railing talking to police officers. "Jason, you asshole" I rushed over and punched him in the side. "Oh my god, Haley, I turned around and you were gone" he said pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry officers for bothering you, this is Haley" he said introducing me to the officers. "As long as you're safe miss" one smiled. "And who are you" the other asked looking at Alex. "Oh, he helped me find Jason, I was freaking out because I lost him, he helped me calm down, thank you Alex" I smiled as the officers nodded. "Well everything looks fine here, you guys have a wonderful day" they smiled as they walked off.

"Thank you for bringing her to me, you can leave now" Jason said being rude. "Wait, is there anyways I can repay you" I asked as he chuckled. "Can I get a picture for my sister, she would freak out. She absolutely loves you" he chuckled as I nodded. "Of course" I smiled as he fished his phone from his pocket. "Do you mind" Alex asked handing the phone to Jason as Jason took the phone, not looking excited at all about this situation. I hugged Alex as he had his hand low on my back. "Can you move your hand higher please" I asked Alex as he didn't move. I moved my arm to move his as he grabbed it immediately and held it as his hand was now on my ass. "Can you please let me go" I asked trying to pull my hand away. "Not until the picture is taken" Alex mumbled as I looked at Jason for help as he stared at Alex. "Move your hands, and let her go, get a picture but you can't touch her" he said as I looked up at Alex. "Take the picture" he said squeezing my butt. "Please stop Alex, I'm uncomfortable" I announced loud so other people could hear as he growled. "Take the fucking picture" Alex said as Jason gripped his phone tightly and chunked it behind him as it slammed against the wall, I'm sure cracking it. "You own me a new phone fuck face" Alex said finally letting go of me as Jason quickly gripped his shirt. "No, you listen here, when a women tells you they're uncomfortable and to let them go you fucking let them go, you ever think or touch her again, I'll break your face in fucking half do you fucking hear me" he said shoving him to the ground as Alex fell onto the ground as Jason stared at him, Jason let's just get our bags and leave" I said as I rushed to his side as he kept starting at Alex.

"Jason, come on, before the police come back please" I said grabbing his hand and pulling it away from Alex as he seemed to be brought back to life. He sighed deeply going towards the conveyor belt grabbing our bags. We walked out of the airport as I saw my limo with victors cousin John standing there with a sign that had my name on it. "Hello John" I smiled hugging him as he smiled hugging me back. "Awe you must be Jason, Haley's new body hairs huh" he asked as Jason nodded. "Yes I am" he smiled as John nodded. "Well I will put your bags in the lady" John joked as he opened the door as Jason and I slide in as he shut the door. "Why didn't you do anything earlier, when he first touched me" I asked Jason as he sighed. "Because I wanted to punch him, but I always my going to do that with you so close to him because I didn't want to take the chance of hurting you in the process, I woulda hit him when he stood up, but you distracted me" he explained as I nodded. "I'm sorry" I said as I seemed confused. "I'm sorry I had to a fucking chick for you to spend you time watching. I'm an adult now, and I can't even protect myself" I sighed as he put his arm around me. "Don't apologize. You're actually super cool, I'm glad I get to 'watch you' I'm not even watching you, it's more of like....hanging out with you and best the shit out of anyone who tried to hurt you" he smiled. "Kinda like..a really good friend" he smiled as I chuckled. "Never had a genuine friend before besides Rae and now Corpse" I chuckled as he smiled. "Glad I can be apart of the team" he said pulling me closer to him as the car started to move as I sighed. "Uhm. There is only one bed in my sweet, I'll sleep on the couch if you want" I smiled as he shook his head. "No, I will, I most likely won't sleep, so you take the bed, I'll be fine" he said as I sighed. "Miss, sir. Would you guys like to stop anywhere before we heard home?" John asked as I looked at jason as he shook his head. "I'm good, I think we just might order some food once we get back to the sweet" I explained as he nodded.

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