Chapter 10

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After,seriously, 6 continues hours of playing this game nonstop, I have to pee. "Okay, corpse please I need to take a piss break" I said laughing as he was still fuming over the fact I couldn't guess what he was drawing. It looked like a dick but it was a bike?

"Good me too I'm dying" he said chuckling as you could hear him moving. "Wait Haley" he said as I went to take my headphones off. "What" I asked as he chuckled. "Take your mic so I don't feel lonely" he said as I chuckled. "No" I laughed rushing to the bathroom.

I got done finishing up as I was washing my hands. I picked up my phone for the first time in a few hours and checked my messages, as I put my headphones on seeing corpse was still in the bathroom. I hummed a tune I have heard a few times from different people as I checked messages seeing some from my mom.

Mom- we hired you a bodyguard to make sure you go we're you're supposed to go and make sure you go and stay where you're suppose to be

Me- wtf I don't need one, that's upsetting that you don't trust me

Mom- language, and I do trust you, I just don't trust other people, you'll be okay, hey you might like him. He's very attractive too even tho I've only seen half of his face, he's kinda got the same voice corpse does; and yes I've already asked he's never heard of you or anything

I read the message twice as I closed my phone slamming it onto my desk out of frustration. "This is ridiculous" I said rubbing my temples. "What's wrong babe, also what was that song you were humming I've heard it somewhere" he said as he came back. "What" I asked confused as he chuckled. "I took my headphones to the bathroom with me, I completely forgot I had them still on" he explained as I nodded. "Okay, that makes sense but my mom and her boyfriend hired me a bodyguard,when I don't fucking need one" I shook my head as he chuckled. "Well, babe, you're very beautiful, I'm surprised no one has snatched you up and tried to hurt you, i mean I'm very glad no one has, but you should stay safe, maybe he's really cool" corpse said as I rolled my eyes.

"If they hired him, I'm sure he's hella boring" I shook my head as he sighed. "Uhm this is probably going to be the last time I can play with you randomly, I'm starting up a new project that's gonna take awhile so if you need anything you know I'm only a text away, I'm even going to have to stop with some of my streams, but I'm always gonna be here for you" he said as I smiled. "I appreciate it corpse, what new project are you working on" I asked interested now. "A new song, I have been working on it for awhile, and plus I'm gonna be starting up merch soon so there's that, but I lost a lot of motivation when I started it but something happened recently that made me want to start it up again" he explained as I clapped. "I can't wait to hear it" I smiled as he chuckled. "I'll make sure you'll hear sneak peeks before anyone else" he said as I clapped.

"Yeah I'm special" I smiled as he chuckled. "You'll always be special to me" he said as I felt my stomach doing backflips. "Anyways, I think it's your turn" he cleared his voice as I picked my word and started again.

After a few more hours I was tired of this game, I didn't even wanna stream it, but I did record it and I'm probably gonna make a few videos with it.

"Corpse" I mumbled into the mic. "Haley" he mumbled back. "I'm tired of this game, should we play something else" I asked as he sighed. "Well...jack and Jason have been blowing my phone up, they need a few more people on among us if you want to join I can ask them" he said as I sighed. "Yeah that sounds cool" I shrugged as he took a few seconds. "Are you sure...we don't have to play it if you don't want too" he said as I smiled. "It's fine corpse, I'll play" I nodded as I started setting everything up for it.

"Are you gonna stream it" I asked as he sighed. "Probably. I need to make an announcement anyways" he said as I could hear him typing on his keys. I pulled up the game and heard my discord notification go off.

I started recording then looked at the code and typed it in, I popped up on the screen as I smiled, they added me to the group call. "Hi" everyone said. "Hey Haley" corpse chuckled as I snickered. "Hello corpse, hi everyone" I said as some gasp. "Excuse you" Ray said. "How rude Haley" Sean sighed. "We said hello first but you respond to corpse before us...the audacity" Toast said as I sighed. "It's because she simp so hard for the man and he dumps for her even more than she dumps for him" ray said calling me out. "Uhm....child Anyways" I laughed as everyone else started laughing.

"Anyways, let's start the game" corpse said. "Please" I added laughing alittle. "Oh my god" ray said as they started. "We made it awkward for them... THEIR JUST KIDS" Jason said as I laughed. Everyone muted their mics as 'Imposter' showed up on my screen with corpse of course. I smiled as I went to electrical and waited for a body, corpse jumped outta a vent as Sean and ray walked in, I smiled as I killed ray for calling me out as corpse killed Sean. I started laughing as corpse and I vented to security.

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