Chapter 47

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After a few hours of talking to DJ. The girl at the front counter came back. "I'm sorry to disturb you guys, but that group of people will not leave" the girl said as I looked over at DJ. "Ughhh, it's because she's here, just threaten to call the police" DJ said as I looked at corpse. "Actually. My family is having a big ass dinner soon, so we gotta go anyways. It was fun hanging out with you again wonton" I smiled hugging him as he hugged me back. "Of course don't be a stranger" he said as I nodded, I held corpse hand as we walked out of the donut shop. "Wait you're leaving" I heard ash as I turned back around. "Yeah, uhm we gotta a dinner to go to" I smiled as we turned back around. "No hug goodbye" she asked as I smiled. Jay and her rushed up and hugged me tightly as we said our goodbyes. I gave Levi a hug as he patted my back. "It was nice seeing you again small fry" he said rubbing my head as I sighed.

Daniel came up to me as we hugged. "You'll be at my next show right" he asked as I chuckled. "Of course. Text me sometime when you are in LA again and we can hang" I smiled as he nodded. "Bye haley" Brock said as he gave me a hug as I kinda froze but put my arms around him, I felt tension rising as I went to break from the hug. I felt hands on my butt as I tried harder to get out of the hug. "Okay, goodbye" I mumbled as I was pulled from his grasps. "It was just a hug. I don't understand how you freak out over the littlest things" Brock groaned as corpse held me behind him. "Don't touch her again" he said as he held my hand tightly as we turned to walk towards the car. We stopped midway as corpse was frozen. "Brock I don't think that was smart" I heard Daniel. "What happened" I asked confused as I turned back to see Brock smiling, "maybe you should walk away Brock, he's a lot bigger than you" Levi said as I looked up at corpse. "What happened" I asked confused as he sighed. "He grabbed my ass" corpse said as I tried not to laugh. "Uhm, I think it's time to go" I said pulling on his arm but he wouldn't budge.

"Brock please just leave us alone" I smiled at him as Brock smiled. "He isn't gonna do anything" he said shrugging. "I swear to god" corpse mumbled as he went to turn back around but I got infront of him and Brock. "Please it's not worth it. Let's just go back to the house-" I went to say but a loud slap was heard as corpse eyes flew open. I felt a stinging on my butt as I heard Brock chuckling. "I'm gonna go sit in the car and look down at my lap, when you are ready to come, I'll be waiting" I sighed letting go of corpse. "Just don't do anything for the cops to get called" I said patting his shoulder as I got into the car. I booked my phone up to the radio playing, Gorillaz as I waited for corpse. I opened my passenger seat door as I went through my play list. I sighed hearing footsteps, I looked up seeing corpse getting in, than seeing Brock on the ground holding his nose. "Okay, we can leave" he said as I backed out of the parking lot.

"I'm sorry I thought Brock grew up" I mumbled as he sighed. "He has been like that? It's not your fault you didn't know" he said as I nodded. We made our way back home as E-Girls are ruining my life came on as corpse groaned. "Oh my god" he laughed. "CHOKE ME LIKE TOU HATE ME BUT YOU LOVE ME" I sang as he started laughing. He started singing along.


After getting home I saw my uncle was back, meaning his kids are here. Along with a car I've never meet. We got out as my uncle sat on the porch, smoking a cigarette. With a lady I've never meet "hello" she smiled. "Hi...who are you" I asked confused as my uncle looked up from his phone. "Oh, Haley this is Dakota, my girlfriend,Dakota, this is Haley" he introduced us as she smiled. "Hi, my son is a huge fan of yours" she said as I felt my heart drop. "That's amazing" I smiled as I thought. If he knew me, he probably is going to call corpse out. Corpse doesn't have his mask on. He looked worried at me. "Uhm, Dakota, this is my friend" I said as he smiled as they shook hands. "Jason" he smiled as I nodded. "We're gonna go inside" I said as we walked in. "Do you think they kid is gonna recognize me" corpse as I shrugged. "Let's hope not" I sighed. I know how corpse wants his identity covered.

We sat on the couch as we pulled our phones out, I checked messages and answered a few of them. "Haley" I heard my cousin. "What's up Kenyon" I smiled hugging him, as his brother came up. "Hey kaeden" I smiled. "Wow, how old are you guys now" I asked. "Guess" Kenyon smiled. "Uhm...Kaeden's six and Kenyon's 13" I asked as Kaeden's smile dropped. "You literally guess I'm six every year" he said as Kenyon's started laughing. "Oh god you suck at ages" Kenyon said. "I'm 11"kaeden said as he pushed up his glasses as I nodded.

"Haley" I heard my baby cousin yelling. "Hey slade" I smiled as he came up to me hugging me. "He's four right" I asked Kenyon. "He's three" he corrected me. "Hi Haley" I heard as I looked over. "Hey oli" I smiled as we high fived. "How old are you boss man" I asked as he put up five fingers. "I'm six" he smiled as I chuckled. "How many kids does your uncle have" corpse asked. "He clams eight but he only has six" I smiled as he nodded. "I don't think blowing up toilets is the only thing your uncle likes" he said as I nodded. "He was also in the navy, we have no idea how many babies he has total" I chuckled as he started giggling.

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