Chapter 35

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"I don't want anything weird between us to happen. I mean...I don't even know your actual name. I respect your privacy but-" I sighed shrugging as he nodded. "I can respect that. Friends though?" He asked as I smiled. "Of course. As long as you don't only use me to hang out with Tara" I smiled as he sighed. "But he's adorable" he said as we looked over at the dog as he laid on his back, his tail wagging in the air as his tongue hung out of his mouth. "He's so precious" corpse smiled as I nodded. "Are you streaming tonight" I asked shoving some more food into my mouth. "Yeah I was thinking about starting after you left." He nodded as he continued to eat. "Me too, wanna play among us" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah, Sean texted me and asked. He said there was a mod on there that seems cool. If you're down I'll ask him" he said as I nodded. "Yeah that's be cool" I smiled. He nodded typing on his phone.

Tara started barking as she stared at the door going in a circle than growling. "Who is that" he questions. "Mom and her boyfriend." I sighed. I heard knocking on the door. Than a loud growl that turned into banging on the door. "I fucking hate him" I shook my head as corpse nodded.

He stood up as he took his shirt off. I quickly rushed to a spot where I could hear, but no one would see me. "Why are you hitting my door" corpse asked opening the door. "Oh. Mr and Mrs can I help you" he asked as I'm sure Issac was repulsed by the view in front of him. "We're looking for Haley and we heard Tara." My mom said. "Well. I don't know where Haley is, she uhm....left Tara here so I could watch her. I mind my business so" he shrugged as Issac sighed m. "We saw her Jeep out front." He said getting upset. "Yeah well she coulda walked somewhere" he said shrugging. "Haley woulda taken Tara with her" my mom said. "Maybe someone picked her up and they went on a date. I'm not really sure" he said shrugging. "Well. When she comes back let her know we got her Christmas present" my mom said as I saw Issac gross arm shove something in his chest as corpse looked at him crazy. Slamming the door in their face. "Talk about an asshole" he mumbled as I came out from my corner. "Sorry. I was just going to ignore it"' I smiled as he shrugged. "They got you a plane two let and your passport" he said handing it to me. "Meaning they put over a thousand bucks in my back account. So they want me to go somewhere" I opened it up and looked in it. "I'm going to see sean" I chuckled.

"You should come" I smiled as he seemed unsure. "I don't think he'd want me to come" he shook his head. Sitting back down to eat our food. "Why do you say that" I asked as he sighed. "Me and him aren't close like you" he said as I nodded. I picked up my phone calling Sean. Almost immediately he answered. "Are you dying? Why are you calling me. I'm trying to sleep" he whined as I chuckled. "Sorry but if you had the chance to meet corpse. Like in real life. Would you" I asked as he took a second. Breathing heavily. "Haley you better be shitting me. Am I gonna meet you and corpse soon" he asked as I could tell he had a smile on as big as the sun. "Would you want to meet corpse" I asked. "Fuck yeah, are you guys together. HELLO CORPSE" Sean yelled as corpse started laughing. "Ok thank you" I said hanging up. "See, so do you" I asked. "Yeah it'd be cool" he smiled as I nodded. "Good. This says we are leaving in two days, Tara gets to come come with us. I'm sure we got an apartment there somewhere. We will be staying for two weeks" I smiled as he nodded. I naught his ticker for the same as mine. Sending it to him as he sighed. "I coulda bought my own ticket" he said as I shrugged.

"It'll be okay." I smiled as my phone started ringing. "How dare you hang up on me. I didn't even get to tell you guys I love you guys" Sean said as I smiled. "Love you too" corpse and I said at the same time. "Awhh can I be The Godfather of you guy's children" he asked. "Okay bye" I said hanging up as corpse raised his brows as we finished our food.

"What should we do there" corpse asked as I shrugged. "Well I've never been so we could walk around and look at things, than spend the rest of the time with Sean of you want" I shrugged as he nodded. "Are we gonna take our equipment" he asked referring to our computers. "Hell yeah, I'll text my mom about some stuff. Make sure there is two rooms and such for gaming and stuff. I can't go that long anymore without a paycheck" I sighed as he nodded. "Same, or we will be living off of Sean." He chuckled as I shook my head.

"This is really good corpse. I'm glad you invited us over" I smiled finished with my food. "Are you okay" he asked as I raised my brow. "I'm fine" I chuckled. "When we were in New York, you are half of a large pizza by yourself and some of mine. This, you are four wontons and half of your orange chicken. What's wrong" he asked worried cleaning up his stuff. "You observe a lot of stuff" I chuckled as he sighed. "Stop deflecting the question....are you okay" he asked. "I'll be okay, it's fine, we gotta go, I gotta feed him than walk him before we go live tonight" I chuckled. "Bye corpse" I smiled as Tara and I rushed out of the room going next door. We walked in as I started to fed him.

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