Chapter 71

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Our boba got here as I sighed ordering something from Uber eats. "Hey I need treats for Jaxon but I really don't want to go to the store. Can you go for me" I asked as he raised his brow. "That came out of no where, what do you plan on doing" he asked as I smiled. "Stealing more of your clothes while you aren't here, nothing major" I smiled as he chuckled. "I'll be back than" he said getting up. He kissed my forehead as he grabbed his keys leaving. I smiled as I waited patiently for her to show up.

I hummed as I walked into his closet. I will be taking something so it doesn't look like I lied.


After about an hour I finally decided on a shirt and a pair of his sweat pants. I chuckled at myself trying to imagine myself wearing them. I walked over to my apartment putting the stuff on my counter going back into his. I grabbed my boba drinking some more. It's so good why wasn't I told about this sooner. I smiled as I moved the straw some as there was a knock at the door. Turning into a pounding. I giggled as I skipped to the door. "Hello" I smiled as I grabbed the bag, apparently I got some bacon from ihop? Okay.

"Your food, is he here" she asked shoving the food to my chest as I grabbed the bag as she shoved my out of the way walking into the apartment. "Uhm no, he went to the store to get us some more condoms. Why are you so obsessed with him" I asked. "Ya know besides him being a wonderful boyfriend any girl could ask for" I sighed as she raised her brow. "He is literally the weakest man alive. He can't live without me" she said as I smiled. "Seems like he's doing a good job without you so far, so how about you stop showing up at our door, banging on it until you get tired" I smiled as she scoffed. "I don't have to listen to some fat slut" she said crossing her arms. I smiled throwing away the new ihop bag putting stuff on top of it. Three away good bacon for a fight. How rude Haley.

I smiled as I looked at her. "You can leave now" I smiled as she scoffed. "I'm waiting for him to come back. "I know he wants me more than you" she said looking me up and down than making a disgusted face. I chuckled at her as I pointed to the door. "You can leave now" I said again as she walked closer to me. "Are you deaf" she asked. "You can leave now" I smiled. "I should slap the shit out of you" she said as I smiled. "Oh honey I really want you too" I smiled as she didnt show any hesitation. She pulled her arm back as I felt a stinging on my face. I smiled at the feeling as she looked at me confused. "You just signed a death wish bitch" I said kicking her in the stomach as she fell to the ground. I got onto of her and put her arms under my legs as I punched her in the nose over and over again. "Stop banging on his door you crazy bitch" I said as I continued to hit her as I felt arms wrapping around me. "Holy shit Haley, are you okay" he asked as I nodded "what the fuck, get out of my house" he said to the girl as she stood up from the ground. "Yeah get out of his house" she said chuckling at me. "I told you he wants me more than you" she said leaning up against him. "Mary I was talking to you" he said as I snorted. "Dumbass" I mumbled as she shoved him. "Whatever. You're just a weak, small dick, little bitch boy. You're nothing" she said as I chuckled. "Can I hit her" I asked as he sighed. "I didn't see anything" he mumbled turning away from us as I ran after her jumping onto her back grabbing her by her hair slamming her face onto the ground over and over until I noticed blood on the ground. "Talked about my man again bitch" I mumbled shoving her head back into the ground. She was half way out of the door as I kicked her legs out.

I shut the door. "Haley, did you buy something from boor dash" corpse asked. "Uh, no" I smiled. "Than why does it smell like fresh bacon in here" he asked as I shrugged. "She brought it and started banging on the door. I opened it as she shoved it at me forcing herself in. I didn't know if she did anything to the bacon so I threw it away" I pouted as I sighed. "It upset me to think you would actually think I would do something like that" I sighed looking at the ground. "Well she is crazy...I'm sorry baby" he said pulling me into an embrace. I smiled getting away with it as I hugged him back.

"So what kind of treat did you get for Jaxon" I asked smiling. "Uhm, I got these dentist things" he said pulling it out of the bag on the table. "Ohhh, maybe she will eat these. Tara never did like them" I smiled as he nodded. "It'll help her with her teeth too" he smiled as I nodded. "Awesome. Thank you" I smiled as he nodded. "So what did you take from me today" he asked as I smiled. "You'll just have to go in there and find out for yourself" I smiled as he sighed. "Okay, fine" he mumbled as I set the treats down. "Did you get your stuff set up. I don't remember if I asked you about that or not" I said as he nodded. "No I got it done. I was gonna take a shower and start a kinda early stream" he said as I nodded. "Cool, I'm gonna go get a shower and start recording with Mcnasty and them, let me know when you guys are ready for me to play" I smiled kissing his cheek. "Will do" he smiled grabbing me by the waist as he pecked my lips. I smiled pecking his again as I smiled.

"Alright, go get a shower stinky" I smiled rushing out grabbing the treats as I got to my apartment starting my shower.

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