Chapter 39

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I got done with five assignments from each class I'm in. That's a lot just saying. I groaned standing up from my desk looking at the time. I should probably go see my mom. I grabbed my keys, slipping on my shoes. I walked out of my apartment, seeing corpse coming out of his. "Oh hey I was just about to come see if you wanna go get food now" he smiled. My hand flew to my mouth as my eyes basically fell out of my head. "You forgot" he chuckled. "Whaaatttt noooooo- yeah yeah I did, I was gonna go visit my mom" I chuckled as he nodded. "Well we can get food afterwards, I can sit and watch Tara" he smiled as I chuckled. "I'm starting to think you're actually using me for my dog" I chuckled as he shrugged. "I mean it's a win win at this point" he chuckled. "What" I asked confused. "Well, I get to hang out with one of the coolest people on this planet and her awesome dog, it's a win win" he smiled as I chuckled. "Okay corpsey I'll only be like a minute. But if you could watch him that's be cool" I smiled as he nodded.

"How do I know if he needs to go out" he asked as I nodded. "Okay simple, if Tara is going to throw up, he will lick his chops four times and stare at the floor, so I try to rush him outside as fast as I can while yelling at him because it kinda distracts him from doing it, if he wants to go for a walk he will pull his leash from the hook and drag it around the floor in circles, if he's gotta go to the bathroom, he will bang his head against the door until you take him out or he just shits on the floor" I laughed as he nodded. "Also, Tara has already eaten so if he start hoping up on the counter for a treat, or his food, don't feed him, he is fat, he will throw up" I smiled as he nodded. "Got it thank you" he smiled. "Also, if you take him out and he starts eating grass, make sure to keep him outside until he throws up" I said as he nodded. "Oh my god is it a dog or a child" he asked laughing. "Both don't ask question I'll be back" I smiled kissing his cheek and running off. "Thank you" I yelled leaving the building.

I got into the car and raced off.


Once I got to the house, I got out and unlocked the door walking in. "Mom" I called out as I heard groaning. "AMY" I heard Issac as I rolled my eyes. "In the kitchen" she sang as I walked in and saw my mom making cookies. "Hello darling, cookie" she asked as I shook my head, going into the fridge and grabbing some water. "No im good" I said hoping onto the island drinking from the bottle of water. "So what's been going on huh" she asked smiling. "Well, you can let Issac know I started up my school work, I'm sorry they were texting and calling you nonstop" I sighed as my mom looked confused. "Your Spanish teacher texted me once, and your English teacher called me about your progress, and you economics teacher emailed me about how she wouldn't be able to work for awhile because she was getting ready to have a baby" she chuckled as I sighed. "Your boyfriend made it seem like they were blowing your phone up for days" I shook my head as she sighed.

"I don't know why he said that but it isn't true" she said as I nodded. "Maybe leave him" I smiled as she turned back around. "I'm finally happy, aren't you" she asked as I smiled. "Yeah I'm finally happy, away from him, I'm my own place, not bothered by him almost everyday" I shrugged as she sighed. "It's hard sometimes but, he's a good guy" she said as I sighed. "Yeah you keep telling yourself that lie" I mumbled as she sighed. "So how did you like your early Christmas present" she smiled as I nodded. "It's awesome thank you mom, I really appreciate it, corpse is coming with me, once you guys like handed it too him, I told him about it and he bought himself a plane ticket to come with" I smiled as she nodded. "Good, he can still be there to protect you, just in case" she smiled as I nodded. "Yeah, uhm, did you guys but a place there or an apartment for me or something" I asked as she nodded. "I made sure, it's got two bedroom, I figured because you'll be there for awhile, you would want to take your stuff with you and record and stuff, but because corpse will be there with you I guess the two bedroom will be used as bedrooms" she smiled as I nodded. "Yeah I guess" I smiled as she smiled.

"I'm really glad you're doing good, and I'm glade you came to visit us" she smiled as I nodded. "I came to visit you, but corpse and I are going out soon, so I gotta go, bye mama love you" I kissed her cheek running out of the house. "Oh okay, bye honey be safe" she yelled as I rushed out of the house, into the car. I sighed driving out of the driveway. I passed a gas station as I pulled over getting gas.

I heard my phone ringing as I answered it. "Hello" I said as I heard corpse. "Uhm what does it mean if Tara is staring at the door, sitting down" he said. "Uhm are you in my apartment or yours" I asked confused. "Mine" he mumbled. "Okay, well, is his take wagging" i asked. "No" he mumbled. "Probably a girl that he probably doesn't like" I said as he sighed. "Okay" he said. "I'll be there in about twenty minutes" I chuckled. "Okay bye" he mumbled as I hung up, putting the gas thing back and getting back in the car driving off.

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