Chapter 97

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Soon after the call. The session got really awkward like they didn't know how to what to say even though they spit random shit out of their mouth all the time. So we ended up stopping. I sighed as I sat at my desk editing the video. I felt my stomach getting tight as I groaned at the pain shooting through my body. I sighed as my head started to hurt. Holy shit. I rushed to the bathroom as Rae was taking a shower. "Haley what the fuck" she said as she turned her water off. I threw up in the toilet as she rubbed my back holding my hair as everything fell out. I held my head as I leaned back on the wall as I groaned. "Haley what happened" she asked touching my head grabbing a wash cloth and putting it under the water as she ringed it out. "I don't feel good at all." I sighed as she put the rag over on my forehead. I sighed as everything started to get dizzy. "Rae..I can't see" I said as she sighed. "Okay, calm down, I'm gonna get dressed and take you to the hospital, do not close your eyes" she said as I tried my best to not close my eyes. I watched as she got up leaving as I fell onto the ground as everything went black.


It's been an hour or so after the phone call with Haley. Jaxon laid on my lap as I laid on the couch in the living room as my stomach started to cramp. I groaned at the feeling as I held my stomach. I ended up on a ball I groaned as I ended up getting a headache.

I sighed leaning over the couch so my head was hanging off maybe the pizza wasn't cooked all the way? I rushed to the bathroom feeling it starting to come up. I threw up as I noticed blood was falling into the toilet. I touched my nose feeling blood coming out at a fast rate seeing a lot of blood on my fingers. I sighed as I grabbed my car keys rushing to the door as I grabbed a napkin putting it under my nose. I went to go down the stairs as everything got dizzy.

I held my head as I groaned. Moving against the wall. "Son you okay"I asked as I went to respond only to throw up again as I fell onto the ground everything going dark.



I woke up in the hospital as Rae was talking to a doctors as I felt someone laying next to me. I look over and saw poki asleep. I groaned as she woke up. "Are you okay" she asked sitting up as I held my head. "Hold on, calm down Haley" the doctor said pushing me back onto the bed. "What happened" I asked confused as I rubbed my head. "Uhm have you had unprotected sex recently" he asked as I shook my head. "Wait what? I think I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning" I said as he sucked in through his teeth. "That's what we thought. We did some test and're pregnant" he said as he handed me some pictures from an ultrasound. "I'm pregnant" I said as I started shaking. "Are you taking any medication" the doctor asked as I shook my head no.

"Do you know who the father is"he asked. I nodded as I started to cry as he handed me my phone. "I think you should give him a call than. I'm sure he will be vary happy" he said walking out of the room. I started looked up at Rae.

"I don't want to tell him"I said as poki pulled me into a hug. "I can't take care of a kid. I can't even take care of myself. I can't do this" I sighed as I started crying. "Haley calm down, it's okay" poki smiled pulling me into a hug. "Why'd I pass out. If I was pregnant that explains the throwing up but what about me passing out" I asked confused. "I have no idea, he said you probably passed out from throwing up so much" he said as I sighed. "I don't want to tell corpse" I mumbled. "Well I don't think poki and I should do it. It's not our place to but you should defiantly let him know soon" she said as I gulped. "Can you guys be here for when I do tell him" I asked. "Of course" poki smiled. "You know I'm not leaving your side so duh" Rae shrugged sit at the end of the bed as I nodded. "Okay, so should I call him now" I asked as they looked at each other. "If you want to" she smiled as I sighed.

I unlocked my phone going to corpse contact getting ready to push the call button but my hands start to shake again. "What if he doesn't want to be in its life. What if he completely cuts me off" I asked as Rae shrugged. "Only one way to find out" she did. "I don't think corpse would do that. He seems like a sweet guy" she smiled as I shook my head. I need to leave this hospital." I sighed getting up. "Clothes are in your bag" she said as I got up and got dressed. I slipped my shoes on as I sighed.

I put my phone in my pocket as we walked out of room. I sighed going to the counter as I was checking myself out. "Haley" I heard corpse as I turned around. I noticed he had a band on as I raised my brow. "Why are you here" I asked referring to his band. "Uhm I threw up, got a nose bleed and passed out. Now you" he said as I swallowed. "Rae got food poisoning" I lied as I signed the papers sliding it back to the women. "Than why are you checking her out" he asked. "Because she didn't want to check herself out" I lied as I grabbed my bag. "I'll see you later" I said as we all left. "HALEY that was a perfect time to tell him" poki said. "I don't want to worry him. I'm wait till he's better" I said as we got into the car and drove off.

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