Chapter 85

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I forgot Rae had roommates so when I walked in someone stood there and stared at me. "Oh I'm suppose to call 911" she said grabbing her phone. "NO WAIT" I said as I grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry, uhm hi I'm Haley, I'm Rae's best friend" I smiled as she shook her head. "Haley? The YouTube" he face relaxed some. "Yes. Yes me hi hello" I chuckled nervously as she put her phone up and took a picture of me. "Just in case you're lying and you steal something from us. You can call me poki" she smiled putting her hand out. I shook her hand. "It's wonderful to meet you. Every time I've been here her roommates were busy in their rooms or not here so I'm sorry but I mean, I had a key I wouldn't have used the front door if I was breaking in" I chuckled as she nodded. "Fair point. Up the stairs, at the end of the hall is Raes room" she smiled. "Thank you" I smiled.

I walked up the stairs and went to the end have the hall and saw it had two doors I opened both of them. "WHATS UP BITCH" I yelled as I heard her shower running. "HALEY" she screamed as I smiled. I walked into her room shutting the door. As I went and sat at her desk. She came out fully clothed with her long ass hair pulled up. I remembered when we both had really long hair. "Haley, what happened to your hair" she asked as I smiled. "You've seen it this short before"I chuckled as she raised her brow. "Haley I haven't seen you since that one sleep over" she said as I snorted. "You mean the one that my mom had to kick us out of the house because we were so loud" I asked laughing. "Yes she kicked us out at 4 in the morning" she laughed as I nodded.

"But we have faced time and Skyped and everything sense then" I shrugged. "Yeah but I guess your hair was pulled back or something or I would have said something" she said as I nodded. "Good point" I smiled. "So have you eaten? Taken your meds yet" she asked as I sighed. "Actually I got cleared and I'm doing a lot better. I have actually eaten today, before I left" I smiled as she nodded. "You're a horrible liar face to face" she sighed. "What's been going on, why haven't you been taking your meds" she asked as I sighed. "They made me numb. Made me feel like shit. So of course I wasn't going to take them, and I really did eat this morning"I smiled as she sighed. "Does your mom know" she asked as I shrugged. "Who cares. She kicked me out. Ignored me. Non of her business" I shrugged. "Okay, well, how are corpse and you" she asked as I sighed.

"I don't know actually" I mumbled. "Wait are you guys dating" she asked as I nodded. "This doesn't leave the friend group, but yeah, we are. It's kinda....weird now? I caught his ex straddling him while we were playing among us the other day" I sighed. "That's why you left early" she asked as her eyes widened. "That's why I left early. I went to his apartment and we talked about it. I trust him not to chest on me. Especially after all the things he went through to try to be close to me. Plus when we woke up this morning, because I slept at his place. He wouldn't...look at me...or speak to me basically, I had to take car of Jaxon, the dog he got me after Tara passed. Than once I went to take Jaxon outside he was leaving. I asked where he was going and he wouldn't look at me as he said and he didn't kiss me goodbye or anything. Before Sykkuno texted me I ordered us food and was going to wait till he got back to eat but than once Sykkuno texted me I ate my food and left, leaving him a note...this is his hoodie and cologne too" I sighed hugging the hoodie noticing I was now crying.

"Haley honey" Rae said sitting next to me on her bed, she wiped the tears under my eyes, fixing my makeup. "Honey, we are queens, we don't need men. If he really cares about you he will show it. Don't waste tears over him. You focus on you and do whatever it is that makes you happy, if you'd like you and Jaxon can come here and hangout for awhile just to get away, I'll even let you use my laptop to get content" she smiled as I nodded. "That's be cool, I appreciate it. But he does make me happy, I just...I don't know what he wants from me or wants me to do, sometimes when we hang out it's nothing but silence, not like awkward or anything but it's like we have nothing to talk about unless we are going to make content"I sighed as she nodded. She wrapped her arms around me as she laid her head on my shoulder as I laid my head on her head.

"If you need anything please don't hesitate to text or call me" she said as I nodded. "I will, I swear" I smiled as she nodded. "Once I left Sykkuno and I have been texting nonstop" I chuckled as she smiled. "That explains why he asked for your number." She said. "I think he knows corpse and I are dating" I chuckled as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Yeah maybe but still" she smiled as I nodded. "Yeah, anyways get ready to go, I wanna hang out with Sykkuno" I said as she got back up finishing her makeup. I walked around her room.

"Haley is this outfit good" she asked as she did a three-sixty. "Yeah it's cute" I smiled as she nodded. "Awesome let's go" she said grabbing her shoes slipping them on. "Also I love the Pokémon socks" I smiled as I took my shoe off. "AYE WERE MATCHING" she clapped. "Wait...what kind of underwear" I asked as she pulled her pants down some. "Black" she smiled. "My bra is black" I smiled pulling up the hoodie and shirt. "She and you got a new tattoo" she said touching it. "Oh yeah, I have that one, and the one on my thigh, and my arm is completely filled now" I smiled as she nodded. "Nice nice, oh you got your septum done" she asked. "Yeah" I chuckled. "Wow, a lot has changed with you, it's crazy to think that all of this has happened and I have noticed" she said as I shrugged. "It's cool, I of course have my tongue still done" I smiled as she nodded. "I want you to get your belly button done" she said as I shook my head. "I feel like I'm too fat" I shrugged as we went to leave as I felt her slap the back of my head. "Ow" I said rubbing it.

"Remember only I can talk shit about you, anyone else including you I'll beat the up" she said pointing a finger at me as she grabbed her keys. "Oh did you take an Uber here? I'll give you some money to make up for it" she said digging in her wallet. "Actually. I finally got the Jeep I wanted" I smiled as her jaw dropped. "I will literally give you gas money if we take your Jeep" she said as I chuckled. "Of course darlin let's go" I smiled as we basically raced out of her house to the Jeep. I smiled as we got into the Jeep. She sighed as she buckled up. "Wow, holy shit bro, can I hook up" she asked as I nodded. "You do it for me" she said unlocking her phone I hooked it up as she nodded. She typed in sykkunos address in the gps as she played music. She smiled as the bass started. "This is amazing" she said as I nodded. I pulled out of the driveway as we headed towards sykkunos house. Rae texting him that we are on our way there.

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