Chapter 27

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"So, you're single now." Comet said, not amused. I didn't listen to her, I just played with the end of my braid.

"Why the heck would you break up with Cat? She was the coolest girl ever!" Comet snapped.

"She broke up with me." I said.

"So now you're finally talking. And why would she do that? You're a nice kid." Comet asked.

"She has trust issues." I said, not going into detail. Comet huffed and said, "Yeah, I got that. I was in a musical with her when I was younger."

"Y-you were?" I gasped.

"Seussical? I was the Little Kangaroo." Comet said. "I barely remember it, but I do remember Cat saying something about her sister. Something about a coma."

"Did you say coma?" I said, and Comet nodded.

"I have to apologize to Cat." I said, springing up.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. Matilda?" Barrett said.

"I'm sorry. I have to apologize to Cat. I have to get on better terms with her." I said.

"What did you do wrong? Is she mad at you or anything?" Barrett asked. I didn't listen, just shoved right past her.

"I don't know." I said coldly. Which was true. I really didn't know where my relationship with Cat stood. Were we still friends, did she hate me, did she still have a crush on me? We'll never know.

"Did Cat come out to some people?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jessica and Evan." Barrett said. "That's it so far. Oh, and me."

"Yeah, I got that. And I have to at least say I'm sorry for blowing her off like that. She seems to really like me, and not just as a friend." I said.

"Yeah, Cat's a hopeless romantic. It's one of her flaws. She falls in love super easily." Barrett said. I could only muster a nod. I felt horrible.

"Are you okay?" Barrett asked. I only shrugged, not saying any audible words.

"Be honest with me. Did you make Catlynn upset. I want the truth. I won't get mad, I just want the truth." Barrett asked firmly.

"Don't answer her! She'll-" Comet started to whisper in my ear, but Erika dragged her away.

"Comet. Stop." Erika said, and Comet pouted.

"I don't know if I did anything or not, she just doesn't seem to want to speak to me at the moment." I said. And I was being honest.

"She's probably just being closed off again. That's just how she is. Though she texted me yesterday." Barrett said, sounding a little confused. "I would suggest you give her some space and time, she probably needs it." I nodded and backed away.

"Don't listen to Buzzkill over there. Shoot your shot with her. Come on, she's obviously into you." Comet said.

"Comet Henningson-Louderman, stop. Please stop. I'm not joking with this. She's not my girlfriend anymore, we're just friends. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, stop talking about it." I said harshly. Comet inched away from me.

"I'm sorry." Comet said. "But to be fair, she was perfect for you."

"I know she was. And believe me, she was my everything at one point. My first real relationship. And now it's over. And for some reason, I feel like it was my fault. Even though she broke up with me." I said.

"Come on, it's not like you committed a crime. Cause that's how you're acting." Comet said, snickering. I was not amused. At all.

"Did Cat ever really like me back? Or am I just a hopeless romantic?" I said.

"She definitely liked you." Comet said. "Now, text her."

"NO! Barrett told me to give Cat some space, and I'm gonna listen! I'm not gonna invade her privacy or beg for mercy! Because that's just wrong! And after that horrible prank you and Lex pulled on her, I don't think she wants to speak to either of us! Trust me! I think I may know Catlynn better than you do."

Comet scoffed and said, "Do you want a girlfriend or not?"

"Not at the moment, no." I said firmly. Comet sighed and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I said. But it wasn't fine. Lex refused to talk to me, and so did Cat.

Then I remembered. Blake. My friend from school. Let's hope he was still willing to speak to me.

"Who you daydreaming about over there, Matilda Leigh Henson?" Comet asked.

"I'm not daydreaming about anyone, okay? Leave me alone!" I said. I got up and ran off backstage, crying a little. Some of the Mean Girls cast members stopped me and asked if I was okay, but I brushed them off.

I needed to get back together with Cat somehow. But not out of pity.

Because Comet was right. I really did love her.

AN: Ooh! Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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