Chapter 30

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I was chilling in the park with Cat, Lex, and Blake. Cat had brought a grilled cheese and apple slices from home and was eating them. Cat took her hair out of the ballet bun it was in and brushed out her ponytail.

"Elle got super mad at me when she saw my dyed hair." Cat laughed. "Same old, same old. She should be used to me dying my hair by now."

Lex laughed, then turned towards me. "You excited for Sunday, Tils?" she asked.

"Hey! I'm the only one who calls her Tils!" Cat yelled. I laughed then regrouped myself. "Yeah. We're gonna win again, now that I got clearance from my doctors. I haven't played derby since my surgery."

"Wow, way to be modest, Matilda." Blake laughed. I laughed as well and Cat said, "You two have a derby meet?"

"Yep!" Lex said. "First one since Matilda's surgery." I smiled and Cat started squealing with excitement. "I'm hanging out with my brother on Sunday and we're trying to figure out what to do. I could come to your derby meet..." Cat sported a sly smile and I slapped her.

"We're not dating anymore, Cat." I said sternly. Cat groaned. "But still, can I come? Evan would get a kick out of watching this."

"You've literally never been to a derby meet before, Cat." I said. Cat laughed and said, "When Barrett went to yours, she said it was 'horrifying' and that 'she didn't know how you endure that stuff 24/7.' So yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

"What's derby?" Blake asked. I stared at Lex, who said, "Only the most vicious sport on the planet. Lots of injuries." Lex rolled up her pants to show a bruise approximately the size of Australia. "That's from derby. And by the way, Tils, you're back on jammer duty."

"YES!" I cheered, pumping my fist in the air. Lex laughed and Cat pulled out her phone.

"Crap! Elle wants me home. I have a blood test this afternoon and I promised I'd be home. See you guys! Blake, you're pretty cool. We should hang out soon." Cat said. She waved and started to skip off.

"Wait, what's your name again?" Blake said.

"I'm Catlynn. Call me Cat." Cat said. Then she skipped off, giggling.

"Wait...was that...your girlfriend?" Blake asked. "Not gonna lie, she's kinda cute. Too bad she likes girls."

"Yeah. Too bad." I said. Cat was actually bi, but I didn't want to out her. Especially when she was so worried about coming out anyway. Blake laughed and said, "Was she good to you?"

"The best. Cat is amazing." I gushed. Did I have a crush on her again? Yes. Did I want to tell her? No. Hard no.

"Well. I have to go. Tils. See you Sunday?" Lex asked. Blake stood up too and said, "I'll be there."

"Last time I checked, your name was not Matilda Henson." Lex said. I laughed. Blake laughed as well and said, "I'm planning on supporting you two. See you Sunday."

We all went our separate ways, Lex and Blake heading home, and me heading to the August Wilson.


It was Sunday afternoon, and I was at the arena getting ready for the match. My helmet was lopsided on my head, so I was using my phone as a mirror to fix it.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, and it was Cat, smiling. She threw herself on me and said, "Good luck Tils! I'll be rooting for you!" I smiled softly and hugged Cat back. Evan was behind her, waving.

In the stands, I saw Barrett, Grey, and Blake. I waved to them then got ready for the match. My first one since my liver surgery.

"Are you sure you remember what you're doing?" Lex said as I put on my kneepads.

"Alexandra Laurier, yes. I do know what I'm doing. I'm more comfortable on wheels than I am on my own feet. Calm down, I got this. I'll skate us to victory once again." I said.

"Yeah, cause when we were at Nationals, I learned I am the worst jammer on the planet because of how slow I am." Lex said, laughing. "Now go get 'em. I don't think your friend Cat will be able to stop screeching."

I smiled and waved to Cat, then the match started.


"Power jam time! We're the only ones that can score points! Tilda, we're tied." our coach said. "You think you're gonna be able to score us a win?"

"Probably." I said, suddenly feeling unsure of myself.

"Come on, where's that attitude, Matilda? You're our star skater!" the coach said, elbowing me.

"I can score us a win." I said, feeling more confident. Lex cheered and we were back on the track.

Turns out, I was a little bit too confident this round. I was skating around the track, and I couldn't stop. I literally could not remember how to brake. Or fall correctly. I sighed and kept skating, ignoring the sweat dripping from my forehead.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Typical for derby. But I felt...oddly dizzy. But I ignored it, and got back up.

Then I fell again, and the world went black.

AN: I'M BACK! Long time, no update! And it's time Tilda gets her dose of hospital visits. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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