Chapter 7

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"Tilda?" I heard, and Grey opened the door. It was pretty late at night, and I was just about to go to sleep.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine. Just wanted to check on you. It's almost 1AM. You should be sleeping by now." Grey said.

"So should you." I laughed.

"No, seriously. Matilda. You need the sleep." Grey said.

"I have something I need to tell you." I said. Here we go. My secret.

"Yes, Tilda?" Grey said.

"I have a liver condition." I said. "I'm supposed to have surgery on Monday but I was hoping to get that canceled because to be honest, I'm super scared." I said, almost starting to cry.

"Hey. Tilda, if you need this to get better, then you need to get it. Barrett and I can come with you, and we'll be there the whole time."

"Thanks. I'd love that, because this is a pretty major surgery." I said, pushing back my hair.

"Hey. You're a really tough girl. You have to deal with getting knocked over by vicious teenagers on a daily basis. I have no doubt that you're going to get through this with flying colors. And do you want me to tell you something?"


"Do you know who else has a chronic illness?" Grey asked, taking my hand.


"Cat. Your friend. Barrett told me. I don't think it's as bad as yours, but she knows how it feels. Now, go to bed. You need the sleep."

"It's fine. I usually stay up watching TV anyways." I said.

"Go to bed." Grey said.


I woke up two hours later after a bad dream. I don't usually get nightmares often, but when I do, they're really bad. I got out of bed and knocked on Grey's bedroom door.

"Tilda? Please tell me you just woke up..."

"Sorry. I had a bad dream...sorry I'm such a baby." I said. Grey hugged me and said, "That's not babyish. Now, tell me what your dream was about."

"My surgery." I said. "I didn't make it." I said. There was a chance that I wouldn't make it through Monday, but I couldn't tell Grey that. He would be crushed.

"Listen. Matilda, we'll do anything we can to make sure you survive. Don't worry, Tilda. You're gonna be perfectly fine." Grey said, hugging me.

"This is my first surgery, ever." I said.

"I know it can be a little scary, but listen. Barrett and I will both hold your hand, as tight as you want, when you're getting the anesthesia. We'll both be there when you wake up." Grey said, which made me feel a lot better.

"You're a New York derby girl, Tilda. And you know what that means? You chose to be strong and tough and amazing. I could never have done a sport like that and still make it out alive. You can do this. I know this is scary, and I could never have gone through this." I nodded, and said, "I guess."

"Good. Now go to bed, Tilda." Grey said, shooing me off to my room.

"Yes, Dad." I said, and Grey laughed. "Soon enough, Tilly, soon enough."


"So. Grey told me the news." Barrett said. "Your first surgery." It was the morning and me and Barrett were having breakfast.

"Yeah." I said, looking down at my lap. I pulled up my shirt and said "I'm going to have a scar right here." I traced a line across my stomach.

"Woah. Big scar." I said, and I nodded.

"You know what that scar is going to be?" Barrett asked, and I shook my head.

"That scar," Barrett said, pointing to my stomach. "is going to become your badge of courage. It shows how strong you are."

"Barrett. I'm actually really scared for tomorrow." I said. Barrett sighed and said, "I'll tell the rest of the cast the news, if Grey didn't already do that. Today, we're gonna have fun. Forget about your surgery." I nodded, and Barrett hugged me. "Good. Now, finish your waffles."

I happily finished my waffles, then got in the shower.


I walked into the August Wilson, expecting all eyes to be on me. Which they were. I was hoping nobody knew what was going on tomorrow. I just wanted to forget about it.

"Guys?" Barrett asked, whistling with her fingers. The cast turned around and Barrett put her arms around my shoulders.

"I have news. Tomorrow, me and Grey are going to the hospital with Matilda. She's having surgery on her liver, and she's kind of nervous."

I sighed, fiddling with my hair. Barrett seemed to notice and rubbed my back.

"Wanna get takeout?" Barrett asked, and I lit up. "Gladly."


"Yum...Chinese food!" Kate said excitedly.

"I'm only here for the fortune cookies." Comet said, pulling one out of the paper bag. I took it from her and threw it aside.

"Dude! You're not supposed to eat that until after you finish your meal!" I said, and Comet rolled her eyes.

"Oh my God, Tilda." Comet said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You're ridiculous!" Comet said, then pulled out the sweet and sour chicken platter we were sharing. "Let's feast!"

"So. Tilda. Do you have a crush?" Comet asked. I smirked, hoping she wouldn't see through it. I did have a crush, her name was Catlynn.

Cat. My dream girl.

"Yeah, you have a crush. Spill." Comet said. I laughed, and said, "Well, um, I like girls."

"That's cool." Comet said. "Which girl do you like?"

"I don't think you know her." I said, and I noticed Grey give me a sly smile.

"Yeah, I may have told Barrett who you have a crush on..." Grey said, and I slapped him.

"Dude! A secret is a secret!" I said, and Grey laughed.

"So Grey knows. Who is it?"

"Fine! Her name is Cat." I said, and Comet squealed.

"Catilda! That's the ship name!" Comet said, and I fake glared at her. "That's actually a great ship name! I applaud you." I said.

"It's a gift." Comet said, laughing. "Also here." she said, handing me some sweet and sour sauce.

"Comet Henningson-Louderman, if you pour that on me, I swear to God-" I was cut off by her pouring a bit of the sauce on my foot.

"Damn it." I said under my breath. Comet cackled.

"Well, I have to go pack up for tomorrow. See you all on Thursday." I said.

"Thursday?" Ashley asked.

"That's the day I'm getting out of the hospital." I said, and everyone nodded.

I got wrapped into a group hug by the cast, and it felt really good.

Gonna hold onto that for tomorrow.

AN: Did you seriously think I wouldn't put someone in the hospital? No. You guys know me well enough by now. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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