Chapter 16

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I was going on my first real date with Cat tonight, and I was nervous. Barrett was doing my hair, and I was kicking my feet.

"You excited?" Barrett asked.

"Yeah. I'm so excited." I said. "This is the best day of my life." Barrett finished my hair in the nick of time, because the doorbell rang. I ran for the door and flung it open. Cat was standing there with a nice dress and an orange headband in her dark blonde hair. I hugged my girlfriend tightly and kissed her cheek. "You look beautiful." I said.

"You look even prettier." Cat gushed.

"Wait, how did Elle not get on your case? Aren't you keeping our relationship a secret from her?" I asked.

"Oh, I may have told her I was going 'out to dinner' with you. She just thinks Grey and Barrett are gonna come with us."

"Ooh, sneaky!" I said, and Cat laughed. I grabbed Cat's hand and looked deep into her eyes.

"You two make the most adorable couple." Grey said.

"Okay, lovebirds. Time to go. Have fun tonight. Be back by 11." Barrett said.


"Come on!" Cat said, dragging me through Times Square.

"Where are we going?" I yelled over the sounds of car horns and New York traffic. "Seriously, Cat, slow down!" Cat finally stopped running, and pointed to a building. She said, "We're getting sushi, my love."

"Catlynn McLemore." I heard, and Cat turned around. A girl with shoulder length brown hair was standing there. "Who's the date?"

"Astrid Waters." Cat said. "Fine, you got me. Astrid, this is my girlfriend. Matilda. Matilda, this is my best friend, Astrid."

"Hi." I said, pushing back my hair. "I'm Tilda."

"I'm Astrid. I can see why Cat fell for you." Astrid said.

"What are you doing out this late?" Astrid said, in a very mom-like tone.

"I'm taking my girl on a date. You?" Astrid said.

"Well, I went over to your apartment, banged on the door, woke up your mom, who said you were out with a friend." Astrid said.

"Astrid! It's 8 at night! Wait, why is my mom asleep already?" Cat asked. I kissed her nose and she giggled.

"You two are so cute together, actually." Cat reached for my hand and I took it.

"We're gonna go get sushi. See you later, Astrid." Cat said.


"Nice night. Weather's nice." Cat said awkwardly.

"Cat, baby. You're on your first date with me and you're talking about the weather? What are we, adults?" I laughed.

"Sorry. My first date with my ex-boyfriend was basically us eating McDonald's in Central Park." Cat said. "Anyway, um, I really wanted to take you here. I've been going here with my sisters since I was 12 years old."

"That's so sweet." I said. "You really love your family." Cat nodded, and said, "Yeah. They changed my life." Cat smiled shyly, and I saw her braces. God, how I loved her smile.

"Are you staring at me?" Cat asked. I giggled, and said, "What? You're beautiful. It's hard not to."

"Thanks." Cat said.

"Thanks?" I asked, and Cat and I giggled furiously. "Wait, wait, wait, shush. We're in public." I said.

"Fine. But I'm giggling with you the whole way back to your apartment." Cat said. I laughed, then paid the check. "Let's go, Cat." I said to Cat. Cat grabbed my hand and we skipped out of the sushi place.


"Matilda! Slow down!" Cat said. I was dragging her by the arm to the August Wilson. Right when we approached the stage door, I kissed her.

"Matilda and Cat sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I heard from above me. I looked up and saw Comet looking down from an open window, Erika right next to her with a video camera.

"What is wrong with both of you?" I asked, and dragged Cat in the stage door.

"How was the first date?" Grey asked.

"Good." Cat said, blushing. "Matilda makes me the happiest girl in the world." I kissed Cat's cheek and she blushed furiously.

"Cat's cheeks are as red as a fire engine." Erika said.

"Wow, they really are in love." Kyle said, and I giggled.

"You two are back?" Barrett said, hugging both of us.

"Yep. I had so much fun." I said.

"And Cat needs to get home." Barrett said, ushering my girlfriend out of the stage door. Before she left, she ran back to me and gave me the biggest hug in the world and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks for the best night of my life." Cat said. I hugged her tighter and said, "You too, Cat."

AN: We do love some Catilda cuteness. I know I do. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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