Chapter 29

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I was lying awake, thinking about the awkward events from last week. It wasn't exactly "awkward," Cat was trying to comfort me through a hard time.

But I swear she wanted to date me again. I swear she was still in love with me. And I'm not sure if I was still in love with her.

That was all I could think of. Selfish, I know. My little sister, who I had practically raised, died when I wasn't looking. And the only thing on my mind was getting back together with my ex-girlfriend. How was I supposed to tell that to my mom? Sorry, I can't go to my sister's funeral because I'm in love with my ex? Did I mention I'm a lesbian? And I'm adopted now.

Who knew that this year would be full of surprises?

I got a call from my friend Blake from school.

"Hey, did something happen? You haven't been in school for the past week?" he asked. I sighed, I didn't know him well enough to tell him my situation. But I didn't exactly want to lie, so I just decided to tell him the truth.

"My biological sister died." I said. Crap. I may have just revealed to him that I was adopted.

"Oh no. That sucks. I'm so sorry, Matilda." Blake said. I sighed and said, "It's fine. I'm just about over it now. I have something else on my mind right now. Romantic issues."

"I forgot you had a girlfriend! How's that going?" Blake asked, clearly excited. I sighed and said, "I had a girlfriend."

"YOU BROKE UP?" Blake yelled through the phone and I tried to stifle a giggle.

"Yeah, we kind of did. She broke my heart and now she changed her mind and I don't know what to do." I said, trying my best not to cry with everything that's been going on in my life lately. I shook off the thought and collected myself. "Yeah, so it's been fun. At least she's still willing to talk to me."

"That's good. Because most breakups I've seen, sheesh, they got ugly." Blake said. "There was this one girl who was so mad at her ex-boyfriend about them breaking up that she dumped his retainer in the trash. And that's not even the weirdest part. The weirdest part was that the boy dug in the trash and proceeded to just wash off his retainer in the water fountain and use it."

"Ew! Gross!" I said, truly disgusted.

"Yeah. High school is...interesting." Blake said.

"Trust me, I know." I said, laughing. I couldn't stop thinking about Cat. She was truly an incredible girl, and especially with all she's been through. And it helped that she was incredibly gorgeous. Cat told me she had 3 biological siblings, a brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. She told me ever since Elle took her in, she forgot about her sisters, because she got new siblings through adoption.

And my little sister was gone. At least Cat could try to contact her siblings.

I sighed, pushing my braid back behind my shoulder. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and said, "Coming! Oh, Blake, I gotta go."

"Talk to you later Tilda." Blake said. Then I hung up and threw my phone on my bed.

When I opened the door, Grey was standing in the doorway.

"Someone's here to see you." Grey said, pushing Cat in the room and closing the door behind her once she entered. Cat awkwardly waved and said, "Hi."

"Hey, Cat." I said, greeting her like nothing had happened, like we were just old friends. "What's up?"

"Um, I just wanted to talk to you. Um...I kind of still have feelings for you. Like, I've still had feelings for you since like, um, an hour after we broke up, actually. Even though I'm the one who broke your heart. And I feel horrible about that." Cat said.

"I get it." I said, blissfully unaware of what Cat was saying. Then it hit me.

She still had a crush on me.

"Um...Cat...I hate to say this...but I think we'd be better as friends. Especially because you're not out to your mom yet." I said. Cat looked dejected, but then she looked deep in thought.

"Now that I think about it, you may be right. Not being out yet having a girlfriend was kind of stressing me out." Cat said. "It was the reason we broke up in the first place, if I'm remembering clearly."

I nodded and sighed. But at least Catlynn was still my best friend.

"And about last week..." Cat started, but I cut her off.

"Let's just forget about it. Seriously." I said. Cat seemed to get the message and nodded.

"I better head home. Elle's probably wondering where I am." Cat said. She awkwardly waved and ran off.

I shrugged and sat down at my desk, arranging all the Polaroid pictures Cat and I had taken together.

I was just glad Cat didn't hate me.

AN: Long time, no update! Sorry! I just didn't have any ideas for this book, oops. Too busy with evil plans for my other two books. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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