Chapter 19

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My alarm clock started blaring and I rolled over to shut it off. Barrett was leaning on my door, and it scared me a little.

"Agh!" I yelled, falling out of bed, partly on purpose. Barrett giggled and said, "Morning, Tilda! How are you?" I checked my phone and realized it was Saturday. The day of Nationals.

"It's Saturday. What's the verdict?" I asked coldly. Barrett sighed and said, "I have to go to Cat's competition, I'm sorry. Elle has something to do today and Cat begged for me to come."

I started to feel pressure building up inside me, and I felt myself getting hot and angry.

Come on Matilda. She's your girlfriend. You can't get mad over her. Barrett meant well.

"Are you okay, Tils?" Barrett asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. I sighed, and said, "Yeah. You're just gonna leave me alone, then. Great. That's just cold. Yeah, I'm totally fine. Just shut up and leave me alone." I exploded, crying. Almost instantly, I regretted what I had said. Barrett slowly backed up and closed the door, and I started to sob.

I texted Cat, hoping she could do something about it.

Matilda: I have derby nationals today. Barrett's insisting on going to your dance competition, and I'm gonna be alone.
Cat: I swear to God, I didn't mean to make you upset. My mom and Jess can't come today so I asked Barrett to come and record it for her. Do you want someone from my family to come and support you? I bet my brother would be happy to.
Matilda: Cat, you don't need to. It's fine. Seriously.
Cat: Tils, if it's making you this upset not having anyone come, I'll have Evan come.
Matilda: It's not the support I'm worried about, Cat. I don't have a ride. It's in Washington, D.C. It's a 3 hour drive and I need a ride now or else I'm gonna be late.
Cat: Shoot. This is tricky. Hang on, let me call Evan and see if he can take you. I'll call you later. Love you.

I sighed and put my phone down. At least Cat was going to try to do something about it. A few minutes later, my phone rang. It was Cat.

"Hey, Tilda. Peek outside the door, my mom is screaming at Barrett over the phone. It's getting intense." Cat said. I could hear screaming from Cat's end.

"Your mom does not seem like the screaming type." I said, and Cat said, "I know! That's why this is so interesting to watch!"

"What's happening on Elle's end?" I asked. Cat sighed and said, "Let's see...she's yelling about parenting and yada-yada. It's quite intriguing."

"Did Evan get back to you?" I asked.

"Oh! Yeah, about that, funny story. So, I texted Evan and explained the situation. He was more than happy to come to your apartment and take you, that was all fine and good. But he asked Elle if it was okay with her if he went to your thing, and Elle got really confused. Evan explained the situation and long story short, my mom is screaming at Barrett now." Cat said, laughing.

"So, wait, what's the verdict? Because I have to go in a half hour if I want to make it." I said.

"If all else fails, you can just take ballet and go pro like I did." Cat said. "But in all seriousness, ballet is a lot of fun. I saw it as merely a coping method when things were tough, middle school was not the best for me. But it grew into something more, a passion. I wanted to go pro, and I worked hard and I finally made it. Like you did with derby. You should take ballet and be in the Nutcracker! Like I am every year!"

"Nice try, Cat, but I do not dance. I have the grace of a dying walrus." I said, laughing. "Plus, what's the fun of ballet? It's classical music. Boring! At least during derby practice, we get to shove people over while explicit rock music is playing in the background."

"You'd be surprised at how fun it is, Matilda Leigh Henson." Cat said.

"You'd be surprised at how ungraceful I am, Catlynn Sunshine McLemore." I said, laughing. "Also, why did you decide to do ballet? I'm just curious."

"So, um, when I was 13, Jessica and Ryan got in a car crash. It shook me up a lot, I was scared to sleep in my own room for a month. When I started eighth grade, I got bullied a lot, and I realized I needed something to distract me. I randomly thought doing ballet was a good idea, and I asked Elle. She immediately signed me up for lessons, and I was hooked from the very beginning. My dance teacher saw I had a talent, so I went competitive really quickly, like in a month. For my first Nutcracker, I got a solo, and I was elated. That was when I realized that ballet was the thing I wanted to do, and so far, it hasn't failed me." Cat said, sighing. "You should do it. I could come over sometime and teach you everything I know."

"That would be awesome." I said, finally agreeing. "Any news on the derby situation yet?"

"Elle just hung up with Barrett. She's calling Evan now, I think. Are you excited for Nationals?" Cat asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Just kind of nervous. This is the first time my team has ever made it this far, and the whole match is riding on me. I'm the team captain."

"Ooh, well, good luck! I'm confident you're gonna do amazing. And on another note, what about that boy you met at school?" Cat said.

"Catlynn McLemore. I'm gay, and I'm taken. You of all people should know that." I said. Cat laughed, and said, "Wait, Tilda, Elle's coming in here. I gotta go. You better get ready, too."

"You can't tell me what to do." I said, and Cat laughed. "Bye."

"Bye, Tils." Cat said, hanging up. Barrett walked in and said, "So, I heard you talking to Cat in there. What's the relationship status today?"

"What, like we're gonna break up? Come on, Barrett, you know both of us better than this. We're not gonna cheat on each other or break each other's hearts. Cat especially." I said. "So, what's the verdict on the competition situation?"

"Um, Matilda, about that. I have bad news." Barrett said softly.

AN: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Cliffhanger! I apologize deeply. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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