Chapter 4

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"Broadway's so pretty at night." Cat gushed, pushing her hair back.

"So are you." I said under my breath.

"What?" Cat said, blushing.

"Oh, um, nothing." I said, and Cat laughed. "I love living in New York."

"Me too." I said.

"I'm gonna get in trouble if I'm out here much longer. Though I could say I'm at one of my sibling's houses. Or my dad's."

"Your parents are divorced? Sheesh." I said, which I knew was a lie. I just didn't want to tell Cat that I knew.

"No. Legally, my dad isn't my dad. I just consider him my dad." Cat said, and I laughed.

"Wanna come to my sister's place with me?" Cat asked, and I nodded. Which sister she was talking about, I had no idea.

Cat pulled out her phone and started texting.

"Great, she's not busy!" Cat said, then my phone vibrated.

Barrett: Did you invite Cat over or something?
Matilda: No, she wanted to come. She said it was an excuse to stay out late.

"Who are you texting?" Cat said slyly.

"No one." I said. Cat grabbed my arm and said, "Come on!"

"Cat! I'm on roller skates!" I said. Cat let go of my arm and said, "Whoops. Let's go, then."

Cat stopped in front of the August Wilson and said, "We're here." She banged on the stage door and said, "BARRETT LET ME IN! IT'S CATLYNN!"

Barrett opened the door and looked at me. "Cat!" she said, hugging Cat. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

"I exist." I said sadly.

"Oh, right. Hey Tilda." Barrett said.

"You know Barrett?" Cat asked, and I nodded. "That's my secret." Cat smiled at me and said, "Come on. I need a break. This is the only way I won't get in trouble."

"Has your mom ever punished you?" Barrett asked, and I giggled.

"Not really." Cat said sheepishly. "My mom is Elle McLemore, my full name is Catlynn McLemore." Cat said.

"Oh my God. That's the first time...the first time Cat introduced herself using her actual last name." Barrett said, and Cat smiled.

"She hasn't done it before?" I asked, and Cat nodded. "My old last name was Reeve. When I first got adopted, people compared me to my mom and started bullying me." Cat said, and Barrett nodded. "It was hard for her in middle school. She developed a lot of body image issues."

"I'm so sorry, Cat. That sucks." I said, and Cat shrugged. "It's fine."

"Apparently, she's a lot more outgoing now." Barrett said, ruffling Cat's hair. Cat slapped Barrett and said, "Don't tell Elle I left. I'm gonna take Matilda out to dinner." Barrett laughed and nodded, then I walked out with Cat.


"So, we both know Barrett." Cat said. "How did you meet her?" I asked.

"You know Elle McLemore?" Cat asked, and I nodded. "Okay, so, um, Elle's my mom. My dad beat me up outside the New World Stages and Elle rescued me. I consider the main cast to be my family, making Barrett my older sister." Cat said.

"Cool! Do you like any other musicals?" I asked. "I'm a huge Be More Chill fan. And Heathers."

"Well, um, I obviously like Heathers. And Barrett's in Mean Girls, so I like that musical too. I was in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and Seussical." Cat said.

"Dude, you are cooler than a vintage cassette." I said, quoting Be More Chill. Cat didn't get the quote and just laughed.

"I should listen to Be More Chill." Cat said, and I nodded furiously.

"You're a techie, right?" Cat said, and I said, "Yeah."

"Cool. My ex-boyfriend was a techie. He died a couple of years ago." Cat said.

"What?" I said. "Cat, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." Cat said. "I've gotten over it. He cheated on me, but I sort of fell in love with him again after he died."

"How did he die?" I asked.

"An intruder broke into the school when I was in eighth grade." Cat said, smiling sadly.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I love ice cream!" Cat said, and we headed off to an ice cream shop. Cat's phone buzzed and she pulled it out.

"Shoot, never mind. Elle's onto me. She wants me home. Catch ya later, Tilda?" Cat asked. I shot her finger guns and she said, "Wait. I'm heading back to the August Wilson with you. I want to say goodbye to Barrett anyway."

"Let's go!"


"Where were you?" Grey asked as I walked in the stage door.

"Sorry. I was out with a friend." Cat slammed the door behind her and said, "Hey, Grey."

"You're...remind me who you are. I know I know you from somewhere."

"I'm Barrett's younger sister." Cat said. "Catlynn."

"Oh, Elle's kid! I know! You met Tilda, huh? Tilda's my foster daughter."

"Wait, it got approved?" Barrett said.

"Yep! Tilda, welcome to the family!" Cat applauded as I hugged Grey.

"I have to go. Elle wants me home." Cat said, hugging Barrett and giving me a high five.

"See ya, Cat." I said, watching as she walked out of the stage door and headed down the street.

"So, Cat's a nice girl, huh?" Grey asked.

"Yeah. She's changed since the last time I saw her." Barrett said. "I remember her being a shy girl who had nightmares nearly every night and would cling to Elle like a wet bathing suit. Now she's making friends and I have never seen her so happy."

"Hey, Grey, there's this thing called Dancing with the Stars: Juniors. It's airing on Sunday. Do you want to watch it with me?" I asked.

"Sure! After your party."


"We're fostering you. Did you think there wouldn't be a party?" Grey said, and I shrugged. "After your party we'll all watch this show with you."

I smiled and nodded, then headed out for a late-night Starbucks run.

AN: I think I'm a bit obsessed with Dancing with the Stars: Juniors. And I'm in a Be More Chill phase right now. Deal. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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